
427 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
from import Sequence
from typing import Any
from .enums import HttpStatus
from typing import Self
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Self
class ErrorMeta(type):
"Meta class that sets all integer properties to :class:`ErrorCode` objects"
def __new__(meta_cls: type,
name: str,
bases: Sequence[type[Any]],
properties: dict[str, Any]) -> type:
for key in properties:
if key.startswith("_"):
value = properties[key]
if isinstance(value, int):
properties[key] = ErrorCode(value, key)
return type.__new__(type, name, tuple(bases), properties)
class ErrorCode(int):
"Represents an error code for an error domain"
def __init__(self, code: int, name: str):
Create a new ErrorCode object
.. note:: This class should never be manually initiated
:param code: Number to use for the error
""" = name
"Name of the error code"
self.cls: type[Error] | None = None
def __new__(cls: type[Self], code: int, name: str) -> Self:
return int.__new__(cls, code)
def __set_name__(self, obj: Any, name: str) -> None:
self.cls = obj
def __get__(self, obj: Any, objtype: type[Any]) -> type[Any] | Self:
if obj is None:
return self
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ErrorCode(code={int.__repr__(self)}, name={repr(})"
def __call__(self, message: str) -> Any:
Create a new error for the specified error code
:param message: Text to pass with the error
if self.cls is None:
raise ValueError("Class is null")
return self.cls(self, message)
class Error(Exception):
"Base error class"
def __init__(self, code: ErrorCode, message: str):
Create a new error object
:param code: Number of the error
:param message: Text to pass with the error
Exception.__init__(self, f"[{}] {message}")
self.code: ErrorCode = code
"Code of the error"
def __eq__(self, other: type[Error] | Error | ErrorCode | int) -> bool: # type: ignore[override]
if inspect.isclass(other):
return type(self) == other # noqa: E721
if isinstance(other, Error):
return self.__class__ == other.__class__
if isinstance(other, (ErrorCode | int)):
for key in dir(type(self)):
value = getattr(self, key)
if other == value:
return True
return False
def domain(self) -> str:
"Name of the error group"
return self.__class__.__name__
class FileError(Error, metaclass = ErrorMeta):
"Raised on errors involving files"
NotFound = 0
"Raised when a file or directory could not be found"
Found = 1
"Raised when a file or directory exists when it should not"
IsDirectory = 2
"Raised when the path is a directory when it should not be"
IsFile = 3
"Raised when the path is a file when it should not be"
class HttpError(Exception):
"Error raised from a client or server response"
def __init__(self,
status: HttpStatus | int,
message: str | None = None,
headers: dict[str, str] | None = None) -> None:
Create a new http error
:param status: Status code of the error
:param message: Body of the error
:param headers: Headers of the error
self.status = HttpStatus.parse(status)
"Status code and reason"
self.message = message or self.status.reason
"Message body of the error"
self.headers = headers or {}
"Headers associated with the error"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"HTTP Error {self.status}: {self.message}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"HttpError(status={self.status}, message='{self.message}')"
def Continue(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``100`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(100, message, None)
def MovedPermanently(cls: type[Self], url: str) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``301`` status code
:param url: Url to redirect the client to
return cls(301, None, {"Location": url})
def Found(cls: type[Self], url: str) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``302`` status code
:param url: Url to redirect the client to
return cls(302, None, {"Location": url})
def SeeOther(cls: type[Self], url: str) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``303`` status code
:param url: Url to redirect the client to
return cls(303, None, {"Location": url})
def TemporaryRedirect(cls: type[Self], url: str) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``307`` status code
:param url: Url to redirect the client to
return cls(307, None, {"Location": url})
def PermanentRedirect(cls: type[Self], url: str) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``308`` status code
:param url: Url to redirect the client to
return cls(308, None, {"Location": url})
def BadRequest(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``400`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(400, message, None)
def Unauthorized(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``401`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(401, message, None)
def Forbidden(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``403`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(403, message, None)
def NotFound(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``404`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(404, message, None)
def MethodNotAllowed(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``405`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(405, message, None)
def NotAcceptable(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``406`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(406, message, None)
def Teapot(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``418`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(418, message, None)
def InternalServerError(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``500`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(500, message, None)
def NotImplemented(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``501`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(501, message, None)
def BadGateway(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``502`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(502, message, None)
def HttpVersionNotSupported(cls: type[Self], message: str | None = None) -> Self:
Create a new HTTP error for the ``505`` status code
:param message: Text message to include in the response body
return cls(505, message, None)
class NamespaceImportError(Exception):
"Raised when a key in the resource json file is missing"
key: str
"Name of the missing key"
def __init__(self, key: str):
Create a new NamespaceImportError
:param key: Name of the missing key
Exception.__init__(self, f"Resource json file missing key: {key}")
self.key = key
class NamespaceMatchError(Exception):
Raised when loading a resource json file and the include namespace does not match the
namespace it's being imported into
namespace: str
"Namespace of files being imported into"
json: str
"Namespace specified in the json file"
def __init__(self, namespace: str, json: str):
Create a new NamespaceMatchError
:param namespace: Namespace of the files being imported into
:param json: Namespace specified in the json file
Exception.__init__(self, f"Namespaces do not match: '{namespace}', '{json}'")
self.namespace = namespace
self.json = json
class SqlError(Exception):
"Base error for Sql namespace"
class TooManyConnectionsError(SqlError):
Raised when tying to open a database connection, but the max open connection count has been
maximum: int
"Max number of connections allow at the time of the exception"
count: int
"Number of active connections at the time of the exception"
def __init__(self, maximum: int, count: int):
SqlError.__init__(self, f"Max: {maximum}, Count: {count}")
self.maximum = maximum
self.count = count