2023-03-22 12:57:56 -04:00

334 lines
12 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import enum
import json
import sys
from abc import ABCMeta
from functools import lru_cache
from os import path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, cast
from . import HookManager, KeybindManager, NetworkManager, OptionManager, SettingsManager
__all__: Tuple[str, ...] = (
Mods: List[SDKMod] = []
def RegisterMod(mod: SDKMod) -> None:
Adds the provided mod to the mods list and loads all it's settings.
mod: The mod to register.
class ModPriorities(enum.IntEnum):
""" Predefined mod priorities. These just provide standarization, any int value can be used. """
High = 10
Standard = 0
Low = -10
Library = Low
class ModTypes(enum.Flag):
""" Various categories your mod might fit into, used for filtering in the mod menu. """
NONE = 0
Utility =
Content =
Gameplay =
Library =
All = Utility | Content | Gameplay | Library
class EnabledSaveType(enum.Enum):
The different ways a mod's enabled state may (or may not) be saved.
Note that you must call `LoadModSettings` for the state to properly be loaded.
If the state is saved as disabled, nothing happens. If it's saved as enabled, it's enabled by
calling `SettingsInputPressed("Enable")`, as long as `IsEnabled` is still False.
NotSaved: The enabled state is not saved.
The enabled state is saved, and the mod is enabled when the mod settings are loaded.
The enabled state is saved, and the mod is enabled upon reaching the main menu - after
hotfixes are all setup and all the normal packages are loaded.
NotSaved =
LoadWithSettings =
LoadOnMainMenu =
class Game(enum.Flag):
BL2 =
AoDK =
def GetCurrent() -> Game:
return Game.BL2
class _ModMeta(ABCMeta):
Metaclass used to ensure that SDKMod subclasses get copies of attributes rather than references.
It's a rather easy to mistakenly edit these references, and affect all other mods, so it's
probably better to prevent it happening in the first place.
Attributes: Tuple[str, ...] = (
def __init__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], attrs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)
for name in _ModMeta.Attributes:
setattr(cls, name, copy.copy(getattr(cls, name)))
functions = (attribute for attribute in cls.__dict__.values() if callable(attribute))
for function in functions:
method_sender = NetworkManager._find_method_sender(function)
if method_sender is not None:
if method_sender._is_server: # type: ignore
cls._server_functions.add(method_sender) # type: ignore
if method_sender._is_client: # type: ignore
cls._client_functions.add(method_sender) # type: ignore
class SDKMod(metaclass=_ModMeta):
The base class any SDK mod should inherit from. Describes an entry in the mod menu.
Name: The mod's name.
Author: The mod's author(s).
Description: A short description of the mod.
A string holding the mod's version. This is purely informational, no version checking is
The games this mod supports - see the `Game` enum. When loaded in an unsupported one, a
warning will be displayed and the mod will be blocked from enabling.
Types: A list specifing all `ModTypes` the mod fits into.
Priority: The priority of the mod in the mod list. See the `ModPriorities` enum.
If the mod's enabled state is saved across launches. See the `EnabledSaveType` enum.
A string holding the mod's current status. The default `SettingsInputPressed` sets it to
"Enabled"/"Disabled" - these exact strings will automatically be coloured green/red.
A dictionary mapping keys to the action the mod performs when that key is pressed in the
mods menu. This does *not* bind in game actions, use `Keybinds` for that.
Options: A sequence of the mod's options. These are only displayed while the mod is enabled.
A sequence of the mod's in game keybinds. These are only displayed, and the callback
will only be called, while the mod is enabled.
A bool that is True if the mod is currently enabled. For compatibility reasons, by
default this returns if the status is currently "Enabled". Once overwritten, it will
return whatever value it was set to.
Name: str
Author: str = "Unknown"
Description: str = ""
Version: str = "Unknown Version"
SupportedGames: Game = Game.BL2 | Game.TPS | Game.AoDK
Types: ModTypes = ModTypes.NONE
Priority: int = ModPriorities.Standard
SaveEnabledState: EnabledSaveType = EnabledSaveType.NotSaved
Status: str = "Disabled"
SettingsInputs: Dict[str, str] = {"Enter": "Enable"}
Options: Sequence[OptionManager.Options.Base] = []
Keybinds: Sequence[KeybindManager.Keybind] = []
_server_functions: Set[Callable[..., None]] = set()
_client_functions: Set[Callable[..., None]] = set()
_is_enabled: Optional[bool] = None
def IsEnabled(self) -> bool:
if self._is_enabled is None:
return self.Status == "Enabled"
return self._is_enabled
def IsEnabled(self, val: bool) -> None:
self._is_enabled = val
if self.SaveEnabledState != EnabledSaveType.NotSaved:
def __new__(cls, *args: List[Any], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
Check if you're running in a compatible game. Do this here rather than in `__init__()`
because it's easy to forget to also call it on the superclass when you overwrite it.
inst = super().__new__(cls)
if Game.GetCurrent() not in inst.SupportedGames:
del inst.SettingsInputs["Enter"]
except KeyError:
inst.Name = f"<font color=\"#ff0000\">{inst.Name}</font>"
inst.Status = "<font color=\"#ff0000\">Incompatible</font>"
if len(inst.Description) > 0:
inst.Description += "\n\n"
inst.Description += (
f"<font color=\"#FF0000\">Incompatible with {Game.GetCurrent().name}!</font>"
return inst
def Enable(self) -> None:
Called by the mod manager to enable the mod. The default implementation calls
ModMenu.RegisterHooks(self) and ModMenu.RegisterNetworkMethods(self) on the mod.
def Disable(self) -> None:
Called by the mod manager to disable the mod. The default implementation calls
ModMenu.UnregisterHooks(self) and ModMenu.UnregisterNetworkMethods(self) on the mod.
def SettingsInputPressed(self, action: str) -> None:
Called by the mod manager when one of the actions in `SettingsInputs` is invoked via its key.
Mods may should overwrite this method when they add custom actions, the base implementation
only deals with enabling/disabling the mod.
All arguments are provided positionally, mods can rename them as they please.
action: The name of the action.
# Even though we removed these from `SettingsInputs`, need this check for auto enable
if Game.GetCurrent() not in self.SupportedGames and action in ("Enable", "Disable"):
if action == "Enable":
if not self.IsEnabled:
self.IsEnabled = True
Relying on these calls here should be considered deprecated.
Unfortuantly there's no easy way to detect and print a warning where this happens.
for option in self.Options:
if isinstance(option, OptionManager.Options.Value):
self.ModOptionChanged(option, option.CurrentValue)
self.Status = "Enabled"
self.SettingsInputs["Enter"] = "Disable"
elif action == "Disable":
if self.IsEnabled:
self.IsEnabled = False
self.Status = "Disabled"
self.SettingsInputs["Enter"] = "Enable"
def GameInputPressed(self, bind: KeybindManager.Keybind, event: KeybindManager.InputEvent) -> None:
Called by the mod manager on any key event associated with one of the mod's keybindings.
For compatibility reasons, you may define this funtion with just the first positional `bind`
argument. Doing so will only call it for pressed events.
All arguments are provided positionally, mods can rename them as they please.
bind: The keybind object associated with the key that was pressed.
event: The input event type - see the `InputEvent` enum.
def ModOptionChanged(self, option: OptionManager.Options.Base, new_value: Any) -> None:
Called by the mod manager when one of the mod's options gets changed.
Called before the option's value is updated - i.e. `option.CurrentValue` will still be the
old value, while `new_value` is the new one.
All arguments are provided positionally, mods can rename them as they please.
option: The option who's value was changed.
new_value: The new value which `option.CurrentValue` will be updated to.
def NetworkSerialize(arguments: NetworkManager.NetworkArgsDict) -> str:
Called when instances of this class invoke methods decorated with `@ModMenu.ServerMethod`
or `@ModMenu.ClientMethod`, performing the serialization of any arguments passed to said
methods. The default implementation uses `json.dumps()`.
The arguments that need to be serialized. The top-level object passed will be a
`dict` keyed with `str`, containing a `list` as well as another `dict`.
The arguments serialized into a text string.
return json.dumps(arguments)
def NetworkDeserialize(serialized: str) -> NetworkManager.NetworkArgsDict:
Called when instances of this class receive requests for methods decorated with
`@ModMenu.ServerMethod` or `@ModMenu.ClientMethod`, performing the deserialization of any
arguments passed to said methods. The default implementation uses `json.loads()`.
The string containing the serialized arguments as returned by 'NetworkSerialize'.
The deserialized arguments in the same format as they were passed to `NetworkSerialize`.
return cast(NetworkManager.NetworkArgsDict, json.loads(serialized))