2023-03-22 12:57:56 -04:00

470 lines
20 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import unrealsdk
import functools
import inspect
import traceback
from collections import deque
from time import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Deque, Dict, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from . import ModObjects
__all__: Tuple[str, ...] = (
NetworkArgsDict = Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Any, ...]]]
class _Message():
A simple class that tracks the various pieces of information involved in, and facilitates the
# sending of, a network message.
ID: The unique ID of the message.
PC: The player controller the message will be sent through.
message_type: The message type string.
arguments: The serialized argument string.
server: `True` if the message is destined to a server, `False` if destined to a client.
timeout: `None` if the message has been sent, otherwise a float representing the real time
it will time out.
ID: str
PC: unrealsdk.UObject
message_type: str
arguments: str
server: bool
timeout: Optional[float]
def __init__(self, PC: unrealsdk.UObject, message_type: str, arguments: str, server: bool) -> None:
Create a new message.
PC: The player controller to send the message through.
message_type: The message type string.
arguments: The serialized argument string.
server: `True` if the message is destined to a server, `False` if destined to a client.
self.ID = str(id(self))
self.PC = PC
self.message_type = message_type
self.arguments = f"{self.ID}:{arguments}"
self.server = server
self.timeout = None
def send(self) -> None:
"""Send the message."""
if self.server:
self.PC.ServerSpeech(self.message_type, 0, self.arguments)
self.PC.ClientMessage(self.arguments, self.message_type)
# Set our timeout to be 2x (for leeway) the ping in each direction from the receiving end.
self.timeout = time() + self.PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.ExactPing * 4
_message_queue: Deque[_Message] = deque()
def _PlayerTick(caller: unrealsdk.UObject, function: unrealsdk.UFunction, params: unrealsdk.FStruct) -> bool:
timeout = _message_queue[0].timeout
if timeout is None:
elif timeout < time():
return True
def _Logout(caller: unrealsdk.UObject, function: unrealsdk.UFunction, params: unrealsdk.FStruct) -> bool:
global _message_queue
# If there are no queued messages, we have nothing to do.
if len(_message_queue) == 0:
return True
# Filter the messages destined to the logged out player out of our message queue.
purged_queue = deque(message for message in _message_queue if message.PC is not params.Exiting)
# If there are no more messages left in the queue, we may cease observing message timeouts.
if len(purged_queue) == 0:
unrealsdk.RemoveHook("Engine.PlayerController.PlayerTick", "ModMenu.NetworkManager")
# If the first message in the filtered queue is different from the previous one, send it.
elif purged_queue[0] is not _message_queue[0]:
_message_queue = purged_queue
return True
def _GameSessionEnded(caller: unrealsdk.UObject, function: unrealsdk.UFunction, params: unrealsdk.FStruct) -> bool:
global _message_queue
# If there are no queued messages, we have nothing to do.
if len(_message_queue) == 0:
return True
# Cease observing message timeouts and empty the message queue.
unrealsdk.RemoveHook("Engine.PlayerController.PlayerTick", "ModMenu.NetworkManager")
_message_queue = deque()
return True
def _enqueue_message(message: _Message) -> None:
""" Add a message to the message queue, sending it if message queue is empty. """
# If this was the first message to be added to the queue, send it now, and register our tick
# hook to observe for its timeout.
if len(_message_queue) == 1:
unrealsdk.RunHook("Engine.PlayerController.PlayerTick", "ModMenu.NetworkManager", _PlayerTick)
def _dequeue_message() -> None:
""" Remove the frontmost message from the message queue, sending the following one, if any. """
# If the queue is not empty, send the now-frontmost message.
if len(_message_queue) > 0:
# If this was the last message in the queue, we may cease observing message timeouts.
unrealsdk.RemoveHook("Engine.PlayerController.PlayerTick", "ModMenu.NetworkManager")
_method_senders = set()
def _find_method_sender(function: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
Searches through arbitrarily nested decorator functions to attempt to find a method sender,
returning it, or `None` if one isn't found.
This assumes the decorators all follow the convention and use `@functools.wraps`, so we can
follow the nesting via `__wrapped__`.
while function is not None:
if function in _method_senders:
function = getattr(function, "__wrapped__", None) # type: ignore
return function
def _create_method_sender(function: Callable[..., None]) -> Optional[Callable[..., None]]:
Create a new function that will replace ones decorated as network methods, intercepting their
local calls, and instead transmitting a request to remote copies of the mod.
# Format the unique message type we will use to identify requests sent and received for this
# method, using the module and hierarchy within the module it was defined in.
message_type = f"unrealsdk.{function.__module__}.{function.__qualname__}"
signature = inspect.signature(function)
parameters = list(signature.parameters.values())
if len(parameters) < 1:
unrealsdk.Log(f"Unable to register network method <{message_type}>.")
unrealsdk.Log(" @ServerMethod and @ClientMethod decorated methods must be mod instance methods")
return None
# To be able to correctly map arguments to their parameters, remove the first (`self`)
# parameters from the signature.
del parameters[0]
signature = signature.replace(parameters=parameters)
# Record whether or not this function includes a parameter for specifying a player controller.
specifies_pc = (signature.parameters.get("PC") is not None)
# "Wrap" the original function. Among other things, this assigns the original function to the
# __wrapped__ attribute of the new one.
def method_sender(self: ModObjects.SDKMod, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
# Get the current world info, and from that, the current list of replicated players.
world_info = unrealsdk.GetEngine().GetCurrentWorldInfo()
PRIs = list(world_info.GRI.PRIArray)
# Determine whether this message should be sent to a server and whether it should be sent to
# client(s). If neither, we have nothing to send.
# ENetMode.NM_Client == 3
send_server = (method_sender._is_server and world_info.NetMode == 3) # type: ignore
send_client = (
method_sender._is_client and world_info.NetMode != 3 and len(PRIs) > 1 # type: ignore
if not (send_server or send_client):
# Use the inspect module to correctly map the received arguments to their parameters.
bindings = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)
# If the arguments include one specifying a player controller we will be messaging, retrieve
# which one, and purge it.
remote_pc = bindings.arguments.get("PC", None)
if specifies_pc:
bindings.arguments["PC"] = None
# Serialize the arguments we were called with using the class's serializer function.
arguments = type(self).NetworkSerialize({"args": bindings.args, "kwargs": bindings.kwargs})
# Retrieve our own player controller.
local_pc = unrealsdk.GetEngine().GamePlayers[0].Actor
# If we're sending a message to the server, send it using our own player controller.
if send_server:
_enqueue_message(_Message(local_pc, message_type, arguments, True))
# If we're sending to a client, and the mapped arguments do specify a specific player
# controller to message, we will spend this message to it.
elif send_client and remote_pc is not None:
if type(remote_pc) is unrealsdk.UObject and remote_pc.Class.Name == "WillowPlayerController":
_enqueue_message(_Message(remote_pc, message_type, arguments, False))
raise TypeError(
f"Invalid player controller specified for {message_type}. Expected"
f" unrealsdk.UObject of UClass WillowPlayerController, received {remote_pc}."
# If no player controller was specified, send a message to each replicated player that has a
# player controller that is not our own.
elif send_client:
for PRI in PRIs:
if PRI.Owner is not None and PRI.Owner is not local_pc:
_enqueue_message(_Message(PRI.Owner, message_type, arguments, False))
# Assign the server and client attributes to identify this method's role.
method_sender._message_type = message_type # type: ignore
method_sender._is_server = False # type: ignore
method_sender._is_client = False # type: ignore
return method_sender
def ServerMethod(function: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
A decorator function for mods' instance methods that should be invoked on server copies of the
mod rather than the local copy.
The decorated function must be an instance method (have `self` as the first parameter).
Additionally it may contain any parameters, so long as the values passed through them are
serializable through the mod class's `NetworkSerialize` and `NetworkDeserialize`.
The decorated function may optionally include a parameter named `PC`. If it does, upon
invokation on the server, its value will contain the `unrealsdk.UObject`
`WillowPlayerController` for the client who requested the method.
function: The function to decorate.
# Check if the function already has a method sender. If it doesn't, create one now.
method_sender = _find_method_sender(function)
if method_sender is None:
method_sender = _create_method_sender(function)
if method_sender is None:
return function
method_sender._is_server = True # type: ignore
return method_sender
def ClientMethod(function: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
A decorator function for mods' instance methods that should be invoked on client copies of the
mod rather than the local copy.
The decorated function must be an instance method (have `self` as the first parameter).
Additionally it may contain any parameters, so long as the values passed through them are
serializable through the mod class's `NetworkSerialize` and `NetworkDeserialize`.
The decorated function may optionally include a parameter named `PC`. If it does, and if an
`unrealsdk.UObject` `WillowPlayerController` associated with a given client is specified when
calling this method on the server, the invokation will be sent to that client. In the absense of
a specified client, the request is sent to all clients.
function: The function to decorate.
# Check if the function already has a method sender. If it doesn't, create one now.
method_sender = _find_method_sender(function)
if method_sender is None:
method_sender = _create_method_sender(function)
if method_sender is None:
return function
method_sender._is_client = True # type: ignore
return method_sender
_server_message_types: Dict[str, Set[Callable[..., None]]] = {}
_client_message_types: Dict[str, Set[Callable[..., None]]] = {}
def RegisterNetworkMethods(mod: ModObjects.SDKMod) -> None:
Enables a mod's interaction with server and client copies of itself. Methods for the mod that
are decorated with @ModMenu.ServerMethod and @ModMenu.ClientMethod subsequently send requests
to servers and clients when invoked locally. In addition, said methods have ther original
implementations invoked locally when requests are received from servers and clients.
mod: The instance of the mod to register for network method handling.
cls = type(mod)
# For each network method in this mod's class, create a bound version for this mod instance, and
# add it to the set associated with the method's message type, creating one if necessary.
for function in cls._server_functions:
method = function.__wrapped__.__get__(mod, cls) # type: ignore
_server_message_types.setdefault(function._message_type, set()).add(method) # type: ignore
for function in cls._client_functions:
method = function.__wrapped__.__get__(mod, cls) # type: ignore
_client_message_types.setdefault(function._message_type, set()).add(method) # type: ignore
def UnregisterNetworkMethods(mod: ModObjects.SDKMod) -> None:
Disables a mod's interaction with server and client copies of itself. Requests will no longer be
sent when @ModMenu.ServerMethod and @ModMenu.ClientMethod methods are invoked locally, and
incoming requests for said methods will be ignored.
mod: The instance of the mod to unregister for network method handling.
cls = type(mod)
# For each network method in this mod's class, find the set of methods associated with the
# method's message type. Discard any method that matches one bound to this mod instance. If none
# remain in the set, remove it as well.
for function in cls._server_functions:
methods = _server_message_types.get(function._message_type) # type: ignore
if methods is not None:
methods.discard(function.__wrapped__.__get__(mod, cls)) # type: ignore
if len(methods) == 0:
del _server_message_types[function._message_type] # type: ignore
for function in cls._client_functions:
methods = _client_message_types.get(function._message_type) # type: ignore
if methods is not None:
methods.discard(function.__wrapped__.__get__(mod, cls)) # type: ignore
if len(methods) == 0:
del _client_message_types[function._message_type] # type: ignore
def _server_speech(caller: unrealsdk.UObject, function: unrealsdk.UFunction, params: unrealsdk.FStruct) -> bool:
message = params.Callsign
message_type = params.Type
if message_type is None or not message_type.startswith("unrealsdk."):
return True
# Check if the message type indicates an acknowledgement from a client for the previous message
# we had sent. If so, and its ID matches that of our last message, dequeue it and we are done.
if message_type == "unrealsdk.__clientack__":
if len(_message_queue) > 0 and _message_queue[0].ID == message:
return False
# This message's ID and serialized arguments should be separated by a ":". If not, ignore it.
message_components = message.split(":", 1)
if len(message_components) != 2:
return False
message_id = message_components[0]
# Get the list of methods registered to respond to this message type. If none are, we're done.
methods = _server_message_types.get(message_type)
if methods is not None and len(methods) > 0:
# All of the methods in this set are known to be identical functions, just bound to
# different instances. Retrieve any one of them, and get the mod's class from it.
sample_method = next(iter(methods))
cls = type(sample_method.__self__) # type: ignore
# Attempt to use the class's deserializer callable to deserialize the message's arguments.
arguments = None
arguments = cls.NetworkDeserialize(message_components[1])
except Exception:
unrealsdk.Log(f"Unable to deserialize arguments for '{message_type}'")
tb = traceback.format_exc().split('\n')
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-4].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-3].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-2].strip()}")
if arguments is not None:
# Use the inspect module to correctly map the received arguments to their parameters.
bindings = inspect.signature(sample_method).bind(
*arguments["args"], **arguments["kwargs"]
# If this method has a parameter through which to pass a player controller, assign the
# caller to it.
if bindings.signature.parameters.get("PC") is not None:
bindings.arguments["PC"] = caller
# Invoke each registered method with the mapped arguments.
for method in methods:
method(*bindings.args, **bindings.kwargs)
except Exception:
unrealsdk.Log(f"Unable to call remotely requested {method}.")
tb = traceback.format_exc().split('\n')
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-4].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-3].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-2].strip()}")
# Send acknowledgement of the message back to the client.
caller.ClientMessage("unrealsdk.__serverack__", message_id)
return False
def _client_message(caller: unrealsdk.UObject, function: unrealsdk.UFunction, params: unrealsdk.FStruct) -> bool:
message = params.S
message_type = params.Type
if message_type is None or not message_type.startswith("unrealsdk."):
return True
if message_type == "unrealsdk.__serverack__":
if len(_message_queue) > 0 and _message_queue[0].ID == message:
return False
message_components = message.split(":", 1)
if len(message_components) != 2:
return False
message_id = message_components[0]
methods = _client_message_types.get(message_type)
if methods is not None and len(methods) > 0:
sample_method = next(iter(methods))
cls = type(sample_method.__self__) # type: ignore
arguments = None
arguments = cls.NetworkDeserialize(message_components[1])
except Exception:
unrealsdk.Log(f"Unable to deserialize arguments for '{message_type}'")
tb = traceback.format_exc().split('\n')
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-4].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-3].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-2].strip()}")
if arguments is not None:
for method in methods:
method(*arguments["args"], **arguments["kwargs"])
except Exception:
unrealsdk.Log(f"Unable to call remotely requested {method}.")
tb = traceback.format_exc().split('\n')
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-4].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-3].strip()}")
unrealsdk.Log(f" {tb[-2].strip()}")
caller.ServerSpeech(message_id, 0, "unrealsdk.__clientack__")
return False
unrealsdk.RunHook("Engine.PlayerController.ServerSpeech", "ModMenu.NetworkManager", _server_speech)
unrealsdk.RunHook("WillowGame.WillowPlayerController.ClientMessage", "ModMenu.NetworkManager", _client_message)
unrealsdk.RunHook("Engine.GameInfo.Logout", "ModMenu.NetworkManager", _Logout)
unrealsdk.RunHook("Engine.GameViewportClient.GameSessionEnded", "ModMenu.NetworkManager", _GameSessionEnded)