2023-03-22 12:57:56 -04:00

105 lines
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import unrealsdk
import sys
from typing import Tuple
__all__: Tuple[str, ...] = (
# Need to define these up here so that they're accessable when importing the other files
unrealsdk.Log(f"[ModMenu] Version: {VERSION_MAJOR}.{VERSION_MINOR}")
from . import DeprecationHelper as dh # noqa: E402
from . import OptionManager, Options, SettingsManager # noqa: E402
from .DeprecationHelper import Deprecated, NameChangeMsg, PrintWarning # noqa: E402
from .HookManager import (AnyHook, Hook, HookFunction, HookMethod, RegisterHooks, # noqa: E402
from .KeybindManager import InputEvent, Keybind, KeybindCallback # noqa: E402
from .MenuManager import GetOrderedModList # noqa: E402
from .ModObjects import (EnabledSaveType, Game, ModPriorities, Mods, ModTypes, # noqa: E402
RegisterMod, SDKMod)
from .NetworkManager import (ClientMethod, RegisterNetworkMethods, ServerMethod, # noqa: E402
from .SettingsManager import (GetSettingsFilePath, LoadModSettings, # noqa: E402
SaveAllModSettings, SaveModSettings)
from . import ModObjects # noqa: E402 # isort: skip # Avoid circular import
From this point on this file defines just aliases, most of which should be considered deprecated.
When enabling a mod, the default `SettingsInputPressed` calls `ModOptionChanged` on every option.
This behaviour should be considered deprecated, move it into your `Enable` if you need it.
Unfortuantly there's no easy way to detect mods that rely on this to print a warning, and it's not
something that can be aliased, so this text warning will have to do.
sys.modules["bl2sdk"] = unrealsdk
sys.modules["Mods.ModManager"] = ModObjects
sys.modules["Mods.OptionManager"] = OptionManager
sys.modules["Mods.SaveManager"] = SettingsManager
unrealsdk.PythonManagerVersion = VERSION_MAJOR
ModObjects.BL2MOD = ModObjects.SDKMod # type: ignore
unrealsdk.BL2MOD = ModObjects.SDKMod
unrealsdk.Mods = ModObjects.Mods
unrealsdk.ModTypes = ModObjects.ModTypes
unrealsdk.RegisterMod = ModObjects.RegisterMod
OptionManager.Options = Options
unrealsdk.Options = Options
# When removing this, also make sure to edit `Spinner.__init__()`
_msg = dh.NameChangeMsg("Spinner.StartingChoice", "Spinner.StartingValue")
Options.Spinner.StartingChoice = property( # type: ignore
dh.Deprecated(_msg, lambda self: self.StartingValue),
dh.Deprecated(_msg, lambda self, val: self.__setattr__("StartingValue", val))
_msg = dh.NameChangeMsg("Boolean.StartingChoiceIndex", "Boolean.StartingValue")
Options.Boolean.StartingChoiceIndex = property( # type: ignore
dh.Deprecated(_msg, lambda self: self.StartingValue),
dh.Deprecated(_msg, lambda self, val: self.__setattr__("StartingValue", val))
del _msg
SettingsManager.storeModSettings = SettingsManager.SaveAllModSettings # type: ignore
storeModSettings = SettingsManager.SaveAllModSettings # noqa: N816