a bunch of changes

This commit is contained in:
Izalia Mae 2021-08-16 10:55:59 -04:00
parent fda6e3160b
commit 62a2ab7115
8 changed files with 329 additions and 300 deletions

View file

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class BaseCache(OrderedDict):
self[key]['timestamp'] = timestamp + self.ttl
return item.data
return item
## This doesn't work for some reason

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from . import Path
class DotDict(dict):
dict_ignore_types = ['basecache', 'lrucache', 'ttlcache']
non_dict_vars = []
def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs):
@ -15,16 +15,11 @@ class DotDict(dict):
self.__setattr__ = self.__setitem__
## compatibility
self.toJson = self.to_json
self.fromJson = self.from_json
if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
elif value.__class__.__name__.lower() not in self.dict_ignore_types and isinstance(value, dict):
elif isinstance(value, dict):
elif value:
@ -42,8 +37,16 @@ class DotDict(dict):
raise AttributeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} object has no attribute {k}') from None
def __setattr__(self, k, v):
if k in self.non_dict_vars or k.startswith('_'):
super().__setattr__(k, v)
self.__setitem__(k, v)
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
if v.__class__.__name__.lower() not in self.dict_ignore_types and isinstance(v, dict):
if type(v) == dict:
v = DotDict(v)
super().__setitem__(k, v)

View file

@ -348,8 +348,12 @@ def random_gen(length=20, letters=True, numbers=True, extra=None):
return ''.join(random.choices(characters, k=length))
def signal_handler(func, *args, **kwargs):
handler = lambda signum, frame: func(signum, frame, *args, **kwargs)
def signal_handler(func, *args, original_args=True, **kwargs):
if original_args:
handler = lambda signum, frame: func(signum, frame, *args, **kwargs)
handler = lambda *_: func(*args, **kwargs)
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)

View file

@ -68,10 +68,14 @@ class Path(str):
if target.exists and overwrite:
if overwrite:
shutil.copyfile(self, target)
except FileNotFoundError:
shutil.copy2(self, target)
def delete(self):

View file

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
from .client import (
from .signature import (
@ -10,22 +6,21 @@ from .client import (
## These usually only get called by the above functions, but importing anyway
from .client import (
__all__ = [

View file

@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
import json, requests, sys
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from PIL import Image
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from base64 import b64encode
from datetime import datetime
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache
from functools import cached_property
from io import BytesIO
from izzylib import DefaultDotDict, DotDict, Path, izzylog as logging, __version__
from izzylib.exceptions import HttpFileDownloadedError
from ssl import SSLCertVerificationError
from tldextract import extract
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from .signature import sign_request
Client = None
methods = ['connect', 'delete', 'get', 'head', 'options', 'patch', 'post', 'put', 'trace']
@ -41,48 +39,28 @@ class HttpRequestsClient(object):
def set_global(self):
global Client
Client = self
def __sign_request(self, request, privkey, keyid):
request.add_header('(request-target)', f'{request.method.lower()} {request.path}')
request.add_header('host', request.host)
request.add_header('date', datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'))
if request.body:
body_hash = b64encode(SHA256.new(request.body).digest()).decode("UTF-8")
request.add_header('digest', f'SHA-256={body_hash}')
request.add_header('content-length', len(request.body))
sig = {
'keyId': keyid,
'algorithm': 'rsa-sha256',
'headers': ' '.join([k.lower() for k in request.headers.keys()]),
'signature': b64encode(sign_pkcs_headers(privkey, request.headers)).decode('UTF-8')
sig_items = [f'{k}="{v}"' for k,v in sig.items()]
sig_string = ','.join(sig_items)
request.add_header('signature', sig_string)
def request(self, *args, method='get', **kwargs):
def build_request(self, *args, method='get', privkey=None, keyid=None, **kwargs):
if method.lower() not in methods:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid method: {method}')
request = HttpRequestsRequest(self, *args, method=method.lower(), **kwargs)
if privkey and keyid:
request.sign(privkey, keyid)
return request
def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
request = self.build_request(*args, **kwargs)
return HttpRequestsResponse(request.send())
def signed_request(self, privkey, keyid, *args, **kwargs):
request = HttpRequestsRequest(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.__sign_request(request, privkey, keyid)
return HttpRequestsResponse(request.send())
return self.request(*args, privkey=privkey, keyid=keyid, **kwargs)
def download(self, url, filepath, *args, filename=None, **kwargs):
@ -185,6 +163,10 @@ class HttpRequestsRequest(object):
return func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def sign(self, privkey, keyid):
sign_request(self, privkey, keyid)
class HttpRequestsResponse(object):
def __init__(self, response):
self.response = response
@ -239,233 +221,6 @@ class HttpRequestsResponse(object):
async def verify_request(request, actor: dict=None):
'''Verify a header signature from a SimpleASGI request
request: The request with the headers to verify
actor: A dictionary containing the activitypub actor and the link to the pubkey used for verification
body = (await request.body) if request.body else None
headers = {k.lower(): v[0] for k,v in request.headers.items()}
return verify_headers(headers, request.method, request.path, actor, body)
def verify_headers(headers: dict, method: str, path: str, actor: dict=None, body=None):
'''Verify a header signature
headers: A dictionary containing all the headers from a request
method: The HTTP method of the request
path: The path of the HTTP request
actor (optional): A dictionary containing the activitypub actor and the link to the pubkey used for verification
body (optional): The body of the request. Only needed if the signature includes the digest header
fail (optional): If set to True, raise an error instead of returning False if any step of the process fails
headers = {k.lower(): v for k,v in headers.items()}
headers['(request-target)'] = f'{method.lower()} {path}'
signature = parse_signature(headers.get('signature'))
digest = headers.get('digest')
missing_headers = [k for k in headers if k in ['date', 'host'] if headers.get(k) == None]
if not signature:
raise AssertionError('Missing signature')
if not actor:
actor = fetch_actor(signature.keyid)
## Add digest header to missing headers list if it doesn't exist
if method.lower() == 'post' and not digest:
## Fail if missing date, host or digest (if POST) headers
if missing_headers:
raise AssertionError(f'Missing headers: {missing_headers}')
## Fail if body verification fails
if digest:
digest_hash = parse_body_digest(headers.get('digest'))
if not verify_string(body, digest_hash.sig, digest_hash.alg):
raise AssertionError('Failed body digest verification')
pubkey = actor.publicKey['publicKeyPem']
return sign_pkcs_headers(pubkey, {k:v for k,v in headers.items() if k in signature.headers}, sig=signature)
def parse_body_digest(digest):
if not digest:
raise AssertionError('Empty digest')
parsed = DotDict()
alg, sig = digest.split('=', 1)
parsed.sig = sig
parsed.alg = alg.replace('-', '')
return parsed
def verify_string(string, enc_string, alg='SHA256', fail=False):
if type(string) != bytes:
string = string.encode('UTF-8')
body_hash = b64encode(SHA256.new(string).digest()).decode('UTF-8')
if body_hash == enc_string:
return True
if fail:
raise AssertionError('String failed validation')
return False
def sign_pkcs_headers(key: str, headers: dict, sig=None):
if sig:
head_items = [f'{item}: {headers[item]}' for item in sig.headers]
head_items = [f'{k.lower()}: {v}' for k,v in headers.items()]
head_string = '\n'.join(head_items)
head_bytes = head_string.encode('UTF-8')
KEY = RSA.importKey(key)
pkcs = PKCS1_v1_5.new(KEY)
h = SHA256.new(head_bytes)
if sig:
return pkcs.verify(h, b64decode(sig.signature))
return pkcs.sign(h)
def parse_signature(signature: str):
if not signature:
raise AssertionError('Missing signature header')
split_sig = signature.split(',')
sig = DefaultDotDict()
for part in split_sig:
key, value = part.split('=', 1)
sig[key.lower()] = value.replace('"', '')
sig.headers = sig.headers.split()
sig.domain = urlparse(sig.keyid).netloc
sig.top_domain = '.'.join(extract(sig.domain)[1:])
return sig
def fetch_actor(url):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with "SetRequestsClient(client)"')
url = url.split('#')[0]
headers = {'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}
resp = Client.request(url, headers=headers)
actor = resp.json
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
except Exception as e:
izzylog.debug(f'HTTP {resp.status}: {resp.body}')
raise e from None
actor.web_domain = urlparse(url).netloc
actor.shared_inbox = actor.inbox
actor.pubkey = None
actor.handle = actor.preferredUsername
if actor.get('endpoints'):
actor.shared_inbox = actor.endpoints.get('sharedInbox', actor.inbox)
if actor.get('publicKey'):
actor.pubkey = actor.publicKey.get('publicKeyPem')
return actor
def fetch_instance(domain):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with "SetRequestsClient(client)"')
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
resp = Client.request(f'https://{domain}/api/v1/instance', headers=headers)
return resp.json
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
except Exception as e:
izzylog.debug(f'HTTP {resp.status}: {resp.body}')
raise e from None
def fetch_webfinger_account(handle, domain):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with HttpRequestsClient.set_global()')
data = DefaultDotDict()
webfinger = Client.request(f'https://{domain}/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{handle}@{domain}')
if not webfinger.body:
raise ValueError('Webfinger body empty')
data.handle, data.domain = webfinger.json.subject.replace('acct:', '').split('@')
for link in webfinger.json.links:
if link['rel'] == 'self' and link['type'] == 'application/activity+json':
data.actor = link['href']
return data
def fetch_nodeinfo(domain):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with HttpRequestsClient.set_global()')
webfinger = Client.request(f'https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo')
webfinger_data = DotDict(webfinger.body)
for link in webfinger.json.links:
if link['rel'] == 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0':
nodeinfo_url = link['href']
nodeinfo = Client.request(nodeinfo_url)
return nodeinfo.json
def set_requests_client(client=None):
global Client
Client = client or RequestsClient()
def generate_rsa_key():
privkey = RSA.generate(2048)
key = DotDict({'PRIVKEY': privkey, 'PUBKEY': privkey.publickey()})
key.update({'privkey': key.PRIVKEY.export_key().decode(), 'pubkey': key.PUBKEY.export_key().decode()})
return key
class SigningError(Exception):

View file

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
import json, requests, sys
from PIL import Image
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from functools import lru_cache
from izzylib import DefaultDotDict, DotDict
from izzylib import izzylog as logging
from tldextract import extract
from urllib.parse import urlparse
def fetch_actor(url):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with "SetRequestsClient(client)"')
url = url.split('#')[0]
headers = {'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}
resp = Client.request(url, headers=headers)
actor = resp.json
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
except Exception as e:
izzylog.debug(f'HTTP {resp.status}: {resp.body}')
raise e from None
actor.web_domain = urlparse(url).netloc
actor.shared_inbox = actor.inbox
actor.pubkey = None
actor.handle = actor.preferredUsername
if actor.get('endpoints'):
actor.shared_inbox = actor.endpoints.get('sharedInbox', actor.inbox)
if actor.get('publicKey'):
actor.pubkey = actor.publicKey.get('publicKeyPem')
return actor
def fetch_instance(domain):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with "SetRequestsClient(client)"')
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
resp = Client.request(f'https://{domain}/api/v1/instance', headers=headers)
return resp.json
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
except Exception as e:
izzylog.debug(f'HTTP {resp.status}: {resp.body}')
raise e from None
def fetch_nodeinfo(domain):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with HttpRequestsClient.set_global()')
webfinger = Client.request(f'https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo')
webfinger_data = DotDict(webfinger.body)
for link in webfinger.json.links:
if link['rel'] == 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0':
nodeinfo_url = link['href']
nodeinfo = Client.request(nodeinfo_url)
return nodeinfo.json
def fetch_webfinger_account(handle, domain):
if not Client:
raise ValueError('Please set global client with HttpRequestsClient.set_global()')
data = DefaultDotDict()
webfinger = Client.request(f'https://{domain}/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{handle}@{domain}')
if not webfinger.body:
raise ValueError('Webfinger body empty')
data.handle, data.domain = webfinger.json.subject.replace('acct:', '').split('@')
for link in webfinger.json.links:
if link['rel'] == 'self' and link['type'] == 'application/activity+json':
data.actor = link['href']
return data
def generate_rsa_key():
privkey = RSA.generate(2048)
key = DotDict({'PRIVKEY': privkey, 'PUBKEY': privkey.publickey()})
key.update({'privkey': key.PRIVKEY.export_key().decode(), 'pubkey': key.PUBKEY.export_key().decode()})
return key
def parse_signature(signature: str):
if not signature:
raise AssertionError('Missing signature header')
split_sig = signature.split(',')
sig = DefaultDotDict()
for part in split_sig:
key, value = part.split('=', 1)
sig[key.lower()] = value.replace('"', '')
sig.headers = sig.headers.split()
sig.domain = urlparse(sig.keyid).netloc
sig.top_domain = '.'.join(extract(sig.domain)[1:])
return sig
def verify_headers(headers: dict, method: str, path: str, actor: dict=None, body=None):
'''Verify a header signature
headers: A dictionary containing all the headers from a request
method: The HTTP method of the request
path: The path of the HTTP request
actor (optional): A dictionary containing the activitypub actor and the link to the pubkey used for verification
body (optional): The body of the request. Only needed if the signature includes the digest header
fail (optional): If set to True, raise an error instead of returning False if any step of the process fails
headers = {k.lower(): v for k,v in headers.items()}
headers['(request-target)'] = f'{method.lower()} {path}'
signature = parse_signature(headers.get('signature'))
digest = headers.get('digest')
missing_headers = [k for k in headers if k in ['date', 'host'] if headers.get(k) == None]
if not signature:
raise AssertionError('Missing signature')
if not actor:
actor = fetch_actor(signature.keyid)
## Add digest header to missing headers list if it doesn't exist
if method.lower() == 'post' and not digest:
## Fail if missing date, host or digest (if POST) headers
if missing_headers:
raise AssertionError(f'Missing headers: {missing_headers}')
## Fail if body verification fails
if digest:
digest_hash = parse_body_digest(headers.get('digest'))
if not verify_string(body, digest_hash.sig, digest_hash.alg):
raise AssertionError('Failed body digest verification')
pubkey = actor.publicKey['publicKeyPem']
return sign_pkcs_headers(pubkey, {k:v for k,v in headers.items() if k in signature.headers}, sig=signature)
async def verify_request(request, actor: dict=None):
'''Verify a header signature from a SimpleASGI request
request: The request with the headers to verify
actor: A dictionary containing the activitypub actor and the link to the pubkey used for verification
body = (await request.body) if request.body else None
headers = {k.lower(): v[0] for k,v in request.headers.items()}
return verify_headers(headers, request.method, request.path, actor, body)
### Helper functions that shouldn't be used directly ###
def parse_body_digest(digest):
if not digest:
raise AssertionError('Empty digest')
parsed = DotDict()
alg, sig = digest.split('=', 1)
parsed.sig = sig
parsed.alg = alg.replace('-', '')
return parsed
def sign_pkcs_headers(key: str, headers: dict, sig=None):
if sig:
head_items = [f'{item}: {headers[item]}' for item in sig.headers]
head_items = [f'{k.lower()}: {v}' for k,v in headers.items()]
head_string = '\n'.join(head_items)
head_bytes = head_string.encode('UTF-8')
KEY = RSA.importKey(key)
pkcs = PKCS1_v1_5.new(KEY)
h = SHA256.new(head_bytes)
if sig:
return pkcs.verify(h, b64decode(sig.signature))
return pkcs.sign(h)
def sign_request(request, privkey, keyid):
request.add_header('(request-target)', f'{request.method.lower()} {request.path}')
request.add_header('host', request.host)
request.add_header('date', datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'))
if request.body:
body_hash = b64encode(SHA256.new(request.body).digest()).decode("UTF-8")
request.add_header('digest', f'SHA-256={body_hash}')
request.add_header('content-length', len(request.body))
sig = {
'keyId': keyid,
'algorithm': 'rsa-sha256',
'headers': ' '.join([k.lower() for k in request.headers.keys()]),
'signature': b64encode(sign_pkcs_headers(privkey, request.headers)).decode('UTF-8')
sig_items = [f'{k}="{v}"' for k,v in sig.items()]
sig_string = ','.join(sig_items)
request.add_header('signature', sig_string)
def verify_string(string, enc_string, alg='SHA256', fail=False):
if type(string) != bytes:
string = string.encode('UTF-8')
body_hash = b64encode(SHA256.new(string).digest()).decode('UTF-8')
if body_hash == enc_string:
return True
if fail:
raise AssertionError('String failed validation')
return False

View file

@ -40,13 +40,16 @@ class SqlDatabase:
engine_args = []
engine_kwargs = {}
if not kwargs.get('database'):
raise KeyError('Database argument is not set')
if not kwargs.get('name'):
raise KeyError('Database "name" is not set')
engine_string = dbtype + '://'
if dbtype == 'sqlite':
database = kwargs.get('database')
database = kwargs['name']
except KeyError:
database = kwargs['database']
if nfs_check(database):
izzylog.error('Database file is on an NFS share which does not support locking. Any writes to the database will fail')
@ -240,6 +243,9 @@ class SqlSession(object):
def update(self, table=None, rowid=None, row=None, return_row=False, **data):
if row:
if not getattr(row, '_table_name', None):
rowid = row.id
table = row._table_name
@ -344,15 +350,13 @@ class CustomRows(object):
def __init__(self, table, row, session):
if not row:
if row:
self._db = session.db
self._table_name = table