# IzzyLib These are just a number of functions I keep reusing over and over again in most of my projects. It's okay to use them if you also find them useful ## Installation You only need to install the base and whatever sub-modules you want to use ### From Git `$(venv)/bin/python -m pip install -e "git+https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib.git@rework#egg=izzylib-base&subdirectory=base"` `$(venv)/bin/python -m pip install -e "git+https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib.git@rework#egg=izzylib-http-server&subdirectory=http_server"` `$(venv)/bin/python -m pip install -e "git+https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib.git@rework#egg=izzylib-http-requests-client&subdirectory=requests_client"` `$(venv)/bin/python -m pip install -e "git+https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib.git@rework#egg=izzylib-sql&subdirectory=sql"` `$(venv)/bin/python -m pip install -e "git+https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib.git@rework#egg=izzylib-templates&subdirectory=template"` `$(venv)/bin/python -m pip install -e "git+https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib.git@rework#egg=izzylib-tinydb&subdirectory=tinydb"` ### From Source `$(venv)/bin/python setup.py install ['all' or a combination of these: http_server requests_client sql template tinydb]` ## Documentation ### Importing Most useful classes and functions are imported in the module root, so you don't need to do any multi-level imports. Example This is fine: `from izzylib import SqlDatabase` and points to: `from izzylib.sql.generic import SqlDatabase` Or even simply do `import izzylib` and use `izzylib.SqlDatabase()`. ### Usage All classes and functions will have docstrings. Either look through the code or run `help()` on an object # NOTE! Not in a stable state yet. Expect major changes