2022-02-22 20:01:48 -05:00

74 lines
1.6 KiB

name = IzzyLib
version = 0.7.1
author = Zoey Mae
author_email = zoey@barkshark.xyz
url = https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib
description = Functions and classes that I use often
license = CNPL
license_file = LICENSE
platform = any
keywords = python http activitypub sql database html css
classifiers =
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Intended Audience :: Developers
Operating System :: OS Independent
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python 3.6
Programming Language :: Python 3.7
Programming Language :: Python 3.8
Programming Language :: Python 3.9
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
project_urls =
Bug Tracker = https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib/issues
Documentation = https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib/wiki
Source Code = https://git.barkshark.xyz/izaliamae/izzylib
include_package_data = true
python_requires = >= 3.6
packages =
setup_requires =
setuptools >= 38.3.0
izzylib = izzylib/*
dbus =
hasher =
argon2-cffi == 21.1.0
http_server =
sanic == 21.6.2
envbash == 1.2.0
http_server_async =
http-router == 2.6.4
python-magic == 0.4.24
http_signatures =
pycryptodome == 3.10.1
tldextract == 3.1.2
http_urllib_client =
pillow == 8.3.2
urllib3 == 1.26.6
sql =
SQLAlchemy == 1.4.23
SQLAlchemy-Paginator == 0.2
sql2 =
sql-metadata == 2.3.0
template =
colour == 0.1.5
Hamlish-Jinja == 0.3.3
Jinja2 == 3.0.1
Markdown == 3.3.4
universal = false
formats = zip, gztar