2020-05-23 11:26:50 -04:00

214 lines
5.4 KiB

import traceback, urllib3, json
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
import httpsig
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from . import logging, __version__
from .cache import TTLCache, LRUCache
from .misc import formatUTC
version = '.'.join([str(num) for num in __version__])
class httpClient:
def __init__(self, pool=100, timeout=30, headers={}, agent=None):
self.cache = LRUCache()
self.pool = pool
self.timeout = timeout
self.agent = agent if agent else f'IzzyLib/{version}'
self.headers = headers
self.client = urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=self.pool, timeout=self.timeout)
self.headers['User-Agent'] = self.agent
def _fetch(self, url, headers={}, method='GET', data=None, cached=True):
cached_data = self.cache.fetch(url)
#url = url.split('#')[0]
if cached and cached_data:
logging.debug(f'Returning cached data for {url}')
return cached_data
if not headers.get('User-Agent'):
headers.update({'User-Agent': self.agent})
logging.debug(f'Fetching new data for {url}')
if data:
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = json.dumps(data)
elif not isinstance(data, bytes):
data = bytes(data)
raise TypeError('Post data cannot be turned into bytes')
resp = self.client.request(method, url, headers=headers, body=data)
resp = self.client.request(method, url, headers=headers)
except Exception as e:
raise ConnectionError(f'Failed to fetch url: {e}')
if cached:
logging.debug(f'Caching {url}')
self.cache.store(url, resp)
return resp
def raw(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return a response object
return self._fetch(*args, **kwargs)
def text(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the body as text
resp = self._fetch(*args, **kwargs)
return resp.data.decode()
def json(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the body as a dict if it's json
headers = kwargs.get('headers')
if not headers:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers'].update({'Accept': 'application/json'})
resp = self._fetch(*args, **kwargs)
data = json.loads(resp.data.decode())
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f'Failed to load json: {e}')
return data
def SignHeaders(headers, keyid, privkey, url, method='GET'):
Signs headers and returns them with a signature header
headers (dict): Headers to be signed
keyid (str): Url to the public key used to verify the signature
privkey (str): Private key used to sign the headers
url (str): Url of the request for the signed headers
method (str): Http method of the request for the signed headers
RSAkey = RSA.import_key(privkey)
key_size = int(RSAkey.size_in_bytes()/2)
logging.debug('Signing key size:', key_size)
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
raw_headers = {'date': formatUTC(), 'host': parsed_url.netloc, '(request-target)': ' '.join([method, parsed_url.path])}
header_keys = raw_headers.keys()
signer = httpsig.HeaderSigner(keyid, privkey, f'rsa-sha{key_size}', headers=header_keys, sign_header='signature')
new_headers = signer.sign(raw_headers, parsed_url.netloc, method, parsed_url.path)
logging.debug('Signed headers:', new_headers)
del new_headers['(request-target)']
return new_headers
def ValidateSignature(headers, method, path, client=None, agent=None):
Validates the signature header.
headers (dict): All of the headers to be used to check a signature. The signature header must be included too
method (str): The http method used in relation to the headers
path (str): The path of the request in relation to the headers
client (pool object): Specify a urllib3 pool to use for fetching the actor. optional
agent (str): User agent used for fetching actor data. optional
client = httpClient(agent) if not client else client
headers = {k.lower(): v for k,v in headers.items()}
sig_header = headers.get('signature')
except Exception as e:
if not sig_header:
logging.error('Missing signature header')
split_sig = sig_header.split(',')
signature = {}
for part in split_sig:
key, value = part.split('=', 1)
signature[key.lower()] = value.replace('"', '')
if not signature.get('headers'):
logging.verbose('Missing headers section in signature')
signature['headers'] = signature['headers'].split()
actor_data = client.json(signature['keyid'])
pubkey = actor_data['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']
except Exception as e:
logging.verbose(f'Failed to get public key for actor {signature["keyid"]}')
valid = httpsig.HeaderVerifier(headers, pubkey, signature['headers'], method, path, sign_header='signature').verify()
if not valid:
if not isinstance(valid, tuple):
logging.verbose('Signature validation failed for unknown actor')
logging.verbose(f'Signature validation failed for actor: {valid[1]}')
return json_error(401, 'signature check failed')
return True
def ValidateRequest(request, client=None, agent=None):
Validates the headers in a Sanic or Aiohttp request (other frameworks may be supported)
See ValidateSignature for 'client' and 'agent' usage
return ValidateSignature(request.headers, request.method, request.path, client, agent)