
250 lines
5.4 KiB

import base64
import json
import operator
import queue
import threading
import time
import tinydb
import tinydb_serialization
from . import misc
class AwaitingResult(object):
class DataBase(tinydb.TinyDB):
def __init__(self, dbfile: misc.Path, queue_limit: int=64, serializers: list=[]):
options = {
'indent': 2,
'separators': (',', ': '),
serialization = tinydb_serialization.SerializationMiddleware(ThreadSupport)
serialization.register_serializer(tinydb_serialization.serializers.DateTimeSerializer(), 'TinyDate')
serialization.register_serializer(ByteSerializer(), 'TinyBytes')
serialization.register_serializer(PathSerialize(), 'IzzyLibPath')
serialization.register_serializer(DotDictSerialize(), 'IzzyLibDotDict')
for serializer in serializers:
serialization.register_serializer(serializer(), serializer.__class__.__name__)
options['storage'] = serialization
super().__init__(dbfile, **options)
self.dbfile = dbfile
self.queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=queue_limit)
self.sessions = {}
def session(self):
return TinySession(self)
def fetch(self, table, single=True, orderby=None, reverse=False, **kwargs):
query = tinydb.Query()
if not kwargs:
rows = TinyRows(self, self.table(table).all())
single = False
rows = TinyRows(self, self.table(table).search(query.fragment(kwargs)))
if single:
return rows[0] if rows else None
return rows if not orderby else sorted(rows, key=operator.itemgetter(orderby), reverse=reverse)
def insert(self, table, row=None, rowid=None, **kwargs):
if row:
rowid = row.doc_id
elif not rowid:
row = self.fetch(table, **kwargs)
rowid = row.doc_id if row else None
if rowid:
return self.table(table).update(kwargs, doc_ids=[rowid])
return self.table(table).insert(kwargs)
def remove(self, table, row=None, rowid=None, **kwargs):
query = tinydb.Query()
if row or rowid:
rowid = rowid or row.doc_id
return self.table(table).remove(doc_ids=[row.doc_id])
return self.table(table).remove(query.fragment(kwargs))
def TinyRows(db, rows):
return [TinyRow(db, row) for row in rows]
class TinyRow(misc.DotDict):
def __init__(self, db, row):
super().__init({'id': row.doc_id})
super().update({k: v for k,v in row.items()})
def update(self, data={}):
db.update(rowid=self.id, **data)
def remove(self):
class ThreadSupport(tinydb.storages.JSONStorage):
def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(filename, *args, **kwargs)
self._thread_event = threading.Event()
self._shutdown = False
self._results = {}
self._queue = queue.Queue()
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.process_queue)
self._thread.daemon = True
## send all storage commands to the queue
def read(self):
data = self.queue_put('read')
return data
def write(self, data):
self.queue_put('write', data)
def close(self):
def get_action(self, action):
return getattr(super(), action)
def get_result(self, qid):
with self._lock:
return self._results[qid]
def set_result(self, qid, data=AwaitingResult):
with self._lock:
self._results[qid] = data
def pop_result(self, qid):
with self._lock:
return self._result.pop(qid)
## queue
def process_queue(self):
while not self._thread_event.is_set():
if not self._queue.empty():
qid, action, args, kwargs = self._queue.get(block=False)
if qid not in self._results:
if action == 'close':
self._shutdown = True
func = self.get_action(action)
if action == 'read':
self.set_result(qid, func(*args, **kwargs))
if self._shutdown:
def queue_put(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
if self._shutdown:
logging.error('Storage has been closed. Refusing to send more commands')
qid = misc.RandomGen()
self._queue.put((qid, func, args, kwargs))
if func != 'read':
sleep_time = 0.0
while self.get_result(qid) == AwaitingResult:
sleep_time += 0.1
if sleep_time >= 5.0:
raise TimeoutError(f'Timeout on "{func}" with args: {args}, {kwargs}')
result = self.pop_result(qid)
return result
class ByteSerializer(tinydb_serialization.Serializer):
OBJ_CLASS = bytes
def encode(self, obj):
#print('encode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return base64.b64encode(obj).decode('ascii')
def decode(self, obj):
#print('decode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return base64.b64decode(obj)
class DictSerializer(tinydb_serialization.Serializer):
OBJ_CLASS = dict
def encode(self, obj):
#print('encode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return json.dumps(obj)
def decode(self, obj):
#print('decode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return json.loads(obj)
class DotDictSerialize(tinydb_serialization.Serializer):
OBJ_CLASS = misc.DotDict
def encode(self, obj):
#print('encode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return obj.toJson()
def decode(self, obj):
#print('decode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return misc.DotDict(obj)
class PathSerialize(tinydb_serialization.Serializer):
OBJ_CLASS = misc.Path
def encode(self, obj):
#print('encode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return obj.str()
def decode(self, obj):
#print('decode', self.__class__.__name__, obj)
return misc.Path(obj)