write cache module and split up database.py

This commit is contained in:
Izalia Mae 2019-09-28 09:08:48 -04:00
parent 3605b256a2
commit 4d5a923701
17 changed files with 615 additions and 549 deletions

View file

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import aiohttp, json, re, sys, os, asyncio
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import sys
import os
import json
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from .database import *
from .database import token_cache, cookie_cache, user_cache
from .database import cache, get, put, update, delete
from functions import json_error
from config import config, logging
@ -143,8 +146,8 @@ class post_cmd:
def cache(data):
#return {'tokens': str(token_cache), 'cookies': str(cookie_cache), 'users': str(user_cache)}
return {'cookies': cookie_cache.items, 'tokens': token_cache.items, 'users': user_cache.items}
#return {'tokens': str(cache.token.items), 'cookies': str(cache.cookie.items)}
return {'cookies': cache.cookie.items, 'tokens': cache.token.items, 'users': cache.user.items}

View file

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
import pg
import uuid
import sys
import json
from datetime import datetime
from DBUtils.PooledPg import PooledPg
from config import config, script_path, logging
from functions import _hash, genkey
from simplecache import TTLCache
token_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl='1h')
cookie_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl='1h')
user_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl='1h')
DB_CONFIG = config['db']
def basic_db_conn(db_name):
if DB_CONFIG['host'] == None:
return pg.DB(dbname=db_name, user=DB_CONFIG['user'], passwd=DB_CONFIG['password'])
return pg.DB(host=DB_CONFIG['host'], port=DB_CONFIG['port'], dbname=db_name, user=DB_CONFIG['user'], passwd=DB_CONFIG['password'])
def db_conn():
if DB_CONFIG['host'] == None:
pool = PooledPg(DB_CONFIG['connections'], dbname=DB_CONFIG['database'], user=DB_CONFIG['user'], passwd=DB_CONFIG['password'])
pool = PooledPg(DB_CONFIG['connections'], host=DB_CONFIG['host'], port=DB_CONFIG['port'], dbname=DB_CONFIG['database'], user=DB_CONFIG['user'], passwd=DB_CONFIG['password'])
return pool.connection()
def db_check():
database = DB_CONFIG['database']
pre_db = basic_db_conn('postgres')
if '--dropdb' in sys.argv:
pre_db.query('SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = \'{}\';'.format(database))
pre_db.query('DROP DATABASE {};'.format(database))
if database not in pre_db.get_databases():
logging.info('Database doesn\'t exist. Creating it now...')
pre_db.query('CREATE DATABASE {} WITH TEMPLATE = template0;'.format(database))
db = basic_db_conn(database)
database = open(script_path+'/dist/database.sql').read().replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '')
logging.info('Done :3')
if '--skipdbcheck' not in sys.argv:
db = db_conn()
def newtrans(funct):
result = funct
return result
def check_token(token):
fetch = token_cache.fetch(token)
if fetch != False:
return fetch
raw_row = db.query('SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE token = \'{}\''.format(token)).dictresult()
row = raw_row[0]
except IndexError:
return False
token_cache.store(row['token'], row)
return row['userid']
def check_cookie(cookie):
fetch = cookie_cache.fetch(cookie)
if fetch != False:
logging.debug('Returning cached cookie')
return fetch
check = db.query('SELECT * FROM login_cookies WHERE cookie = \'{}\''.format(cookie)).dictresult()
if check == []:
return False
logging.debug('Caching new cookie')
return check[0]
def get_user(username, fields='*', ret_data=True):
fetch = user_cache.fetch(username)
def filter_data(data, fields):
if fields != '*':
new_data = {}
for field in fields.split(','):
if field != 'settings': ## Remove this line after fixing the DB
new_data[field] = data[field]
return new_data
return data
if fetch != False:
logging.debug('Returning cached user data')
return filter_data(fetch, fields)
if isinstance(username, int):
check = db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = \'{}\''.format(username)).dictresult()
check = db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE handle = \'{}\''.format(username)).dictresult()
if check == []:
return False
logging.debug('Saving user data to cache')
user_cache.store(username, check[0])
if ret_data == True:
return filter_data(user_cache.fetch(username), fields)
return True
def first_setup():
dbcheck = db.query('SELECT * FROM settings WHERE setting = \'setup\'').dictresult()
if dbcheck == []:
keys = genkey()
settings = {
'setup': True,
'pubkey': keys['pubkey'],
'privkey': keys['privkey'],
'char_limit': 4096,
'table_limit': 8,
'name': 'Barkshark Social',
'description': 'UwU',
'theme': 'blue',
'domain': config['domain']
for key in settings:
db.insert('settings', setting=key, val=settings[key])
logging.info('Database setup')
def create_token(username, password):
pass_hash = _hash(password)
def create_cookie(userid, password, address, agent):
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()))
cookie = _hash(password+config['salt']+str(timestamp))
db.insert('login_cookies', userid=userid, cookie=cookie, timestamp=timestamp, address=address, agent=agent)
return cookie
def delete_cookie(cookie):
saved_cookie = check_cookie(cookie)
if saved_cookie != False and saved_cookie['cookie'] == cookie:
db.delete('login_cookies', id=saved_cookie['id'])
return True
return False
def create_user(handle, email, password, display, bio, table, sig):
keys = genkey()
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()))
token_string = str(timestamp) + email
pass_hash = _hash(password+config['salt'])
token = _hash(token_string)
user = db.insert('users', handle=handle.lower(), name=display, bio=bio, info_table=json.dumps(table), email=email, password=pass_hash, permissions=4, timestamp=timestamp, forum_sig=sig, pubkey=keys['pubkey'], privkey=keys['privkey'])
except pg.IntegrityError:
return False
if user['id'] == 1:
db.update('users', {'id': 1}, perms=0)
db.insert('tokens', userid=user['id'], appid=0, token=token)
return {'id': user['id'], 'token': token, 'password': pass_hash, 'username': user['handle'], 'name': user['name']}
def settings():
setresults = db.query('SELECT * FROM settings').dictresult()
set_dict = {}
for line in setresults:
if line['setting'] not in ['pubkey', 'privkey']:
set_dict.update({line['setting']: line['val']})
return set_dict
def change_pass(password, token):
pass_hash = _hash(password+config['salt'])
user_id = check_token(token)
if user_id == False:
return False
db.update('users', {'id': user_id}, password=pass_hash)
return True
def local_post(token, text, privacy, media_id, reply_id):
timestamp = datetime.timestamp(datetime.now())
post_id = int(_hash(str(timestamp) + text, alg='md5'), 16)
user_id = check_token(token)
db.insert('statuses', hash=post_id, userid=user_id, timestamp=int(timestamp), content=text, visibility=privacy)
return post_id
def local_post2(posts):
for post in posts:
timestamp = datetime.timestamp(datetime.now())
post_hash = int(_hash(str(timestamp) + post['text'], alg='sha256'), 16)
user_id = check_token(post['token'])
db.insert('statuses', hash=post_hash, userid=user_id, timestamp=timestamp, content=post['text'], warning=post['warning'], visibility=post['privacy'])
return 'Done'
def get_posts(userid, postid, newtrans=False):
if postid != None:
page = 'and id < {}'.format(postid)
page = ''
posts = db.query('SELECT id, userid, content, visibility, mentions, timestamp, warning FROM statuses WHERE userid = {} {} ORDER BY id DESC limit {};'.format(userid, page, config['vars']['posts'])).dictresult()
return posts
def get_profile(username, postid=None):
row = db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE handle = \'{}\''.format(username)).dictresult()[0]
post_count = db.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statuses WHERE userid={};'.format(row['id'])).dictresult()
row['posts'] = get_posts(row['id'], postid)
info = row['info_table']
if info != None:
row['info_table'] = json.loads(info)
except IndexError:
return False
return row
def get_post(postid):
post = db.query('SELECT * FROM statuses WHERE id = \'{}\''.format(postid)).dictresult()
if post == []:
return False
user = db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id= \'{}\''.format(post[0]['userid'])).dictresult()
return {'post': post[0], 'user': user[0]}
def update_bio(token, bio):
user_id = check_token(token)
if user_id == False:
return False
return db.update('users', {'id': user_id}, bio=bio)
def update_tables(token, bio):
user_id = check_token(token)
if user_id == False:
return False
msg = db.update('users', {'id': user_id}, info_table=json.dumps(bio))
return msg
SETTINGS = settings()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import pg
import uuid
import sys
import json
from DBUtils.PooledPg import PooledPg
from config import config, script_path, logging
from simplecache import TTLCache
class cache:
token = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl='1h')
cookie = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl='1h')
user = TTLCache(maxsize=4096, ttl='1h')
DB_CONFIG = config['db']
def dbconn(database, pooled=True):
extra = ", host=DB_CONFIG['host'], port=DB_CONFIG['port']" if DB_CONFIG['host'] != None else ''
dbtype = "PooledPg(DB_CONFIG['connections'], " if pooled == True else "pg.DB("
dbsetup = eval(f"{dbtype}dbname='{database}', user=DB_CONFIG['user'], passwd=DB_CONFIG['password']{extra})")
return dbsetup.connection() if pooled == True else dbsetup
def db_check():
database = DB_CONFIG['database']
pre_db = dbconn('postgres', pooled=False)
if '--dropdb' in sys.argv:
pre_db.query(f'SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = \'{database}\';')
pre_db.query(f'DROP DATABASE {database};')
if database not in pre_db.get_databases():
logging.info('Database doesn\'t exist. Creating it now...')
pre_db.query(f'CREATE DATABASE {database} WITH TEMPLATE = template0;')
db_setup = dbconn(database, pooled=False)
database = open(script_path+'/dist/database.sql').read().replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '')
logging.info('Done :3')
if '--skipdbcheck' not in sys.argv:
db = dbconn(DB_CONFIG['database'])
def newtrans(funct):
result = funct
return result
def first_setup():
dbcheck = db.query('SELECT * FROM settings WHERE setting = \'setup\'').dictresult()
if dbcheck == []:
keys = genkey()
settings = {
'setup': True,
'pubkey': keys['pubkey'],
'privkey': keys['privkey'],
'char_limit': 4096,
'table_limit': 8,
'name': 'Barkshark Social',
'description': 'UwU',
'theme': 'blue',
'domain': config['domain']
for key in settings:
db.insert('settings', setting=key, val=settings[key])
logging.info('Database setup')
def settings():
setresults = db.query('SELECT * FROM settings').dictresult()
set_dict = {}
for line in setresults:
if line['setting'] not in ['pubkey', 'privkey']:
set_dict.update({line['setting']: line['val']})
return set_dict
SETTINGS = settings()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
from . import db, cache
from config import logging
def login_cookie(cookie):
db.delete('login_cookies', id=cookie)
return True

backend/database/get.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
import json
from . import db, cache
from config import logging, config
def api_token(token):
fetch = cache.token.fetch(token)
if fetch != False:
return fetch
raw_token = db.query(f'SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE token = \'{token}\'').dictresult()
row = raw_row[0]
cache.token.store(row['token'], row)
return row['userid']
def login_cookie(cookie):
fetch = cache.cookie.fetch(cookie)
if fetch != None:
logging.debug('Returning cached cookie')
return fetch
raw_cookie = db.query(f'SELECT * FROM login_cookies WHERE cookie = \'{cookie}\'').dictresult()
if raw_cookie == []:
return None
cookie = raw_cookie[0]
logging.debug('Caching new cookie')
cache.cookie.store(cookie['cookie'], cookie)
return cookie
def post(postid):
post = db.query(f'SELECT * FROM statuses WHERE id = \'{postid}\'').dictresult()
if post == []:
return None
userid = post[0]['userid']
user = db.query(f'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id= \'{userid}\'').dictresult()
return {'post': post[0], 'user': user[0]}
def posts(username, postid, newtrans=False):
if postid != None:
page = f'and id < {postid}'
page = ''
user_data = user(username)
if user_data == None:
return None
postlimit = config['vars']['posts']
posts = db.query(f'''SELECT id, userid, content, visibility, mentions, timestamp, warning
FROM statuses
WHERE userid = {user_data['id']} {page}
ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {postlimit};''').dictresult()
return posts
def userid_to_handle(userid):
fetch = cache.user.fetch(userid)
if fetch != None:
logging.debug('Returning cached user handle')
return fetch
user = db.query(f'SELECT handle FROM users WHERE id = {userid}').dictresult()
if user == []:
return None
handle = user[0]['handle']
logging.debug('Saving user handle to the cache')
cache.user.store(userid, handle)
return handle
def user(username, fields='*'):
def filter_data(data, fields):
if data == None:
logging.warning('Missing data for filtering.')
return None
if fields != '*':
new_data = {}
for field in fields.split(','):
if field != 'settings': ## Remove this line after fixing the DB
new_data[field] = data[field]
return new_data
return data
if isinstance(username, int):
username = userid_to_handle(username)
fetch = cache.user.fetch(username)
if fetch != None:
logging.debug('Returning cached user data')
return filter_data(fetch, fields)
raw_user_data = db.query(f'SELECT * FROM users WHERE handle = \'{username}\'').dictresult()
if raw_user_data == []:
return None
user_data = raw_user_data[0]
table = user_data['info_table']
if table != None:
user_data['info_table'] = json.loads(table)
logging.debug('Saving user data to cache')
cache.user.store(user_data['handle'], user_data)
return filter_data(cache.user.fetch(user_data['handle']), fields)
def profile(handle, postid=None):
user_data = user(handle)
if user_data == None:
return None
userid = user_data['id']
post_count = db.query(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statuses WHERE userid={userid};').dictresult()
user_data['posts'] = posts(handle, postid)
return user_data

backend/database/put.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
from . import db
from config import logging
from functions import mkhash, genkey, timestamp
def user(handle, email, password, display, bio, table, sig):
keys = genkey()
ts = timestamp()
token_string = str(ts) + email
pass_hash = _hash(password+config['salt'])
token = _hash(token_string)
user = db.insert('users',
handle=handle.lower(), name=display, bio=bio,
info_table=json.dumps(table), email=email, password=pass_hash,
permissions=4, timestamp=timestamp, forum_sig=sig,
pubkey=keys['pubkey'], privkey=keys['privkey']
except pg.IntegrityError:
return False
if user['id'] == 1:
db.update('users', {'id': 1}, perms=0)
db.insert('tokens', userid=user['id'], appid=0, token=token)
return {'id': user['id'], 'token': token, 'password': pass_hash, 'username': user['handle'], 'name': user['name']}
def login_cookie(userid, password, address, agent):
ts = timestamp()
cookie = mkhash(password+config['salt']+str(ts))
userid=userid, cookie=cookie, timestamp=ts,
address=address, agent=agent
return cookie
def api_token(username, password):
pass_hash = mkhash(password)
def local_post(token, text, privacy, media_id, reply_id):
ts = timestamp()
post_id = int(mkhash(str(ts) + text, alg='md5'), 16)
user_id = check_token(token)
hash=post_id, userid=user_id, timestamp=int(ts),
content=text, visibility=privacy
return post_id
def local_post2(posts):
for post in posts:
ts = timestamp()
post_hash = int(mkhash(str(ts) + post['text'], alg='sha256'), 16)
user_id = check_token(post['token'])
hash=post_hash, userid=user_id, timestamp=st,
content=post['text'], warning=post['warning'], visibility=post['privacy']
return 'Done'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from . import db
from config import logging
from functions import mkhash
Literally all of these use a login token as an identifier instead of user handle. fuck
def password(handle, password):
pass_hash = mkhash(password+config['salt'])
user_id = check_token(token)
if user_id == False:
return False
db.update('users', {'id': user_id}, password=pass_hash)
return True
def bio(handle, bio):
user_id = check_token(token)
if user_id == False:
return False
return db.update('users', {'id': user_id}, bio=bio)
def tables(handle, bio):
user_id = check_token(token)
if user_id == False:
return False
msg = db.update('users', {'id': user_id}, info_table=json.dumps(bio))
return msg

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from aiohttp_session.redis_storage import RedisStorage
from config import config, logging
from functions import json_error
from .database import newtrans, check_token, check_cookie, get_user
from .database import SETTINGS, newtrans, get
def fetch_actor(actor):
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ async def http_auth(app, handler):
json_error(401, 'MissingTokenHeader')
#if pass_hash() != token:
db_token = newtrans(check_token(token))
db_token = newtrans(get.api_token(token))
if db_token == False:
json_error(401, 'InvalidToken')
@ -204,18 +204,18 @@ async def http_auth(app, handler):
cookie = request.cookies.get('login_token')
cookie_val = newtrans(check_cookie(cookie))
login_token = request.cookies.get('login_token')
login_token_val = newtrans(get.login_cookie(login_token))
if any(map(request.path.startswith, cookie_include_paths)):
if cookie == None:
if login_token == None:
return aiohttp.web.HTTPFound('/login')
elif cookie_val == False:
elif login_token_val == None:
return aiohttp.web.HTTPFound('/login?msg=InvalidToken')
elif any(map(request.path.startswith, ['/login', '/register'])) and cookie_val not in [False, None]:
if cookie == cookie_val['cookie']:
elif any(map(request.path.startswith, ['/login', '/register'])) and login_token_val != None:
if login_token == login_token_val['cookie']:
return aiohttp.web.HTTPFound('/welcome')
return (await handler(request))

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import aiohttp
from config import config
from .database import SETTINGS, newtrans, get_user
from .database import SETTINGS, newtrans, get
async def nodeinfo_json(request):
data = {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ async def webfinger_get(request):
resource = query['resource'].split('@')
user = resource[0]
if resource[1] == SETTINGS['domain'] and newtrans(get_user(user, ret_data=False)) != False:
if resource[1] == SETTINGS['domain'] and newtrans(get.user(user)) != None:
data = {
'subject': 'acct:izaliamae@barkshark.tk',
'aliases': [

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% set token = newtrans(check_cookie(data.login_token)) %}
{% if check != False %}
{% set user_login = newtrans(get_user(token.userid, fields='handle,name,permissions')) %}
{% if data.login_token != None %}
{% set cookie = newtrans(get_cookie(data.login_token)) %}
{% set user_data = newtrans(get_user(cookie.userid, fields='handle,name,permissions')) %}
{% endif %}
{% set colors %}
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
{% endset %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
@ -29,22 +30,32 @@
function delete_cookie(name) {
document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';
function reloadCss() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
for (var cl in links) {
var link = links[cl];
if (link.rel === "stylesheet")
link.href += "";
<div id="user_panel" class="menu">
{% if token != False %}
{% if user_data != None %}
<summary id="menu_title">{{user_login.name}}</summary>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/welcome">Home</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/@{{user_login.handle}}">Profile</a></div>
<summary id="menu_title">{{user_data.name}}</summary>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/">Home</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/welcome">User Panel</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/@{{user_data.handle}}">Profile</a></div>
<div class="submenu">
<summary class="item"><a class="text">Settings</a></summary>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/settings#profile">Profile</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/settings#options">Options</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/settings#security">Security</a></div>
{% if user_login.permissions < 2 %}<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/admin">Admin</a></div>{% endif %}
{% if user_data.permissions < 2 %}<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/admin">Admin</a></div>{% endif %}
@ -53,6 +64,7 @@
{% else %}
<summary id="menu_title">Guest</summary>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/">Home</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/login">Login</a></div>
<div class="item"><a href="https://{{domain}}/register">Register</a></div>
@ -60,18 +72,22 @@
{% endif %}
<div id="header">
<h1 id="title"><a href="https://{{domain}}">{{name}}</a></h1>
<div id="content">
<center><h1 id="title"><a href="https://{{domain}}">{{name}}</a></h1></center>
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
<div id="footer">
<td class="col1"></td>
<td class="col2">
<a href="https://git.barkshark.tk/izaliamae/social">Barkshark Social</a>
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
<div id="footer">
<td class="col1"></td>
<td class="col2">
<a href="https://git.barkshark.tk/izaliamae/social">Barkshark Social</a>

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ a {
input, textarea {
margin-top: 15px;
margin: 15px 0;
font-size: 14pt;
padding: 10px;

View file

@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-item"><center>
Display Name<br>
<input type="text" name="display" placeholder="Display name" value="{{user.name}}"><br>
<input type="text" name="handle" placeholder="Username" value="{{user.handle}}" disabled>

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import aiohttp, aiohttp_jinja2, json
from config import config, logging
from functions import http_error, json_error
from backend.database import SETTINGS, check_cookie, get_user
from backend.database import SETTINGS, newtrans, get
# user home page (/welcome)
async def welcome_get(request):
@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ async def settings_get(request):
login_token = request.cookies.get('login_token')
data = {'login_token': login_token}
token = check_cookie(login_token)
token = newtrans(get.login_cookie(login_token))
handle = newtrans(get.userid_to_handle(token['userid']))
if token != False:
user = get_user(token['userid'], fields='handle,name,email,bio,info_table,permissions,settings')
if token == None:
user = newtrans(get.user(handle, fields='handle,name,email,bio,info_table,permissions,settings'))
return aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('pages/user/settings.html', request, {'data': data, 'user': user, 'settings': SETTINGS})

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import aiohttp, aiohttp_jinja2, json
from datetime import datetime
from config import config, logging
from functions import color_css, http_error, json_error, _hash
from backend.database import SETTINGS, newtrans, cookie_cache, get_profile, get_posts, get_post, create_cookie, get_user, delete_cookie, create_user
from functions import color_css, http_error, json_error, mkhash, timestamp
from backend.database import SETTINGS, newtrans, get, put, delete
# home page (/)
@ -18,6 +16,7 @@ async def register_get(request):
query = request.rel_url.query
data = {'login_token': request.cookies.get('login_token')}
# This can probably be optimized
if 'msg' in query:
message = query['msg']
@ -53,14 +52,14 @@ async def register_post(request):
if None in [username, password]:
user_check = newtrans(get_user(username))
user_check = newtrans(get.user(username))
if user_check != False:
if user_check != None:
user = newtrans(create_user(username, email, password, name, bio, info_table, sig))
user = newtrans(put.user(username, email, password, name, bio, info_table, sig))
token = newtrans(create_cookie(user['id'], user['password'], address, agent))
token = newtrans(put.login_token(user['id'], user['password'], address, agent))
response = aiohttp.web.HTTPFound('/login')
response.set_cookie('login_token', token, max_age=60*60*24*14)
@ -104,16 +103,16 @@ async def login_post(request):
if '' in [username, password, address] or address == None:
return http_error(400, request)
userid = newtrans(get_user(username.lower()))
pass_hash = _hash(password+config['salt'])
userid = newtrans(get.user(username.lower()))
pass_hash = mkhash(password+config['salt'])
if userid != False:
if userid != None:
if userid['password'] == pass_hash:
token = newtrans(create_cookie(userid['id'], password, address, agent))
login_token = newtrans(put.login_token(userid['id'], password, address, agent))
response = aiohttp.web.HTTPFound('/welcome')
# Send login token. Lasts for 2 weeks (60 sec * 60 min * 24 hour * 14 day)
response.set_cookie('login_token', token, max_age=60*60*24*14)
response.set_cookie('login_token', login_token, max_age=60*60*24*14)
return response
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ async def logout_get(request):
response = aiohttp.web.HTTPFound('/login?msg=LoggedOut')
if token != None:
response.set_cookie('login_token', token, max_age=0)
@ -138,15 +137,13 @@ async def logout_get(request):
async def user_get(request):
user = request.match_info['user']
postid = request.rel_url.query.get('id')
user_data = newtrans(get.profile(user, postid=postid))
postid = postid if postid != None else None
data = newtrans(get_profile(user, postid=postid))
if data == False:
return http_error(404, request)
if user_data == None:
return http_error(404, request, msg='That user doesn\'t exist.')
posts = data['posts']
posts = user_data['posts']
if len(posts) < config['vars']['posts']:
last_id = None
@ -156,16 +153,21 @@ async def user_get(request):
except IndexError:
last_id = None
data['last_id'] = last_id
user_data['last_id'] = last_id
bio = []
for line in data['bio'].split('\n'):
if isinstance(user_data['bio'], list):
for line in user_data['bio']:
data['bio'] = bio
data['login_token'] = request.cookies.get('login_token')
for line in user_data['bio'].split('\n'):
return aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('pages/public/profile.html', request, {'data': data})
user_data['bio'] = bio
user_data['login_token'] = request.cookies.get('login_token')
return aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('pages/public/profile.html', request, {'data': user_data})
# single post
@ -173,11 +175,11 @@ async def user_post_get(request):
user = request.match_info['user']
postid = request.match_info['postid']
data = get_post(postid)
post = get.post(postid)
if data == False:
return http_error(404, request)
if post == None:
return http_error(404, request, msg='That post doesn\'t exist.')
data['data'] = {'login_token': request.cookies.get('login_token')}
post['data'] = {'login_token': request.cookies.get('login_token')}
return aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('pages/public/post.html', request, data)
return aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('pages/public/post.html', request, post)

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import aiohttp_jinja2
import json
import yaml
import os
import re
from colour import Color
from datetime import datetime
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ def json_error(code, error):
raise eval('aiohttp.web.HTTP'+error_codes[code]+'(body=error_body, content_type=cont_type)')
def http_error(code, request):
def http_error(code, request, msg=None):
cont_type = 'text/html'
data = {'login_token': request.cookies.get('login_token')}
@ -70,12 +71,12 @@ def http_error(code, request):
body = aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('errors/500.html', request, {}, status=500)
body = aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('errors/'+str(code)+'.html', request, {'data': data}, status=code)
body = aiohttp_jinja2.render_template('errors/'+str(code)+'.html', request, {'data': data, msg: msg}, status=code)
return body
def _hash(string, alg='sha512'):
def mkhash(string, alg='sha512'):
if alg == 'sha512':
return SHA512.new(string.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest()
@ -96,95 +97,8 @@ def genkey():
return {'pubkey': pubkey, 'privkey': privkey}
def color_check(color):
return Color(color if color.startswith('#') else '#'+str(color))
def lighten(color, multiplier):
hsl = color_check(color)
if multiplier >= 1:
multiplier = 1
elif multiplier <= 0:
multiplier = 0
hsl.luminance += ((1 - hsl.luminance) * multiplier)
return hsl.hex_l
except ValueError:
hsl.luminance = 0.999
return hsl.hex_l
def darken(color, multiplier):
hsl = color_check(color)
if multiplier >= 1:
multiplier = 1
elif multiplier <= 0:
multiplier = 0
hsl.luminance -= (multiplier * hsl.luminance)
return hsl.hex_l
except ValueError:
hsl.luminance = 0.001
return hsl.hex_l
def saturate(color, multiplier):
hsl = color_check(color)
if multiplier >= 1:
multiplier = 1
elif multiplier <= 0:
multiplier = 0
hsl.saturation += ((1 - hsl.saturation) * multiplier)
return hsl.hex_l
except ValueError:
hsl.saturation = 0.999
return hsl.hex_l
def desaturate(color, multiplier):
hsl = color_check(color)
if multiplier >= 1:
multiplier = 1
elif multiplier <= 0:
multiplier = 0
hsl.saturation -= (multiplier * hsl.saturation)
return hsl.hex_l
except ValueError:
hsl.saturation = 0.001
return hsl.hex_l
def rgba(color, trans):
col = color_check(color)
if trans >= 1:
trans = 1
elif trans <= 0:
trans = 0
return 'rgba({:0.2f}, {:0.2f}, {:0.2f}, {:0.2f})'.format(col.red*255, col.green*255, col.blue*255, trans)
def todate(ts):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
def themes():
@ -198,6 +112,12 @@ def themes():
return theme_list
def timestamp(integer=True):
ts = datetime.timestamp(datetime.now())
return int(ts) if integer == True else ts
# Generate css file for color styling
def color_css(theme):
@ -215,6 +135,52 @@ def color_css(theme):
return colors
class color:
def __init__(self):
self.check = lambda color: Color(f'#{str(color)}' if re.search(r'^(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$', color) else color)
def multi(self, multiplier):
if multiplier >= 1:
return 1
elif multiplier <= 0:
return 0
return multiplier
def lighten(self, color, multiplier):
col = self.check(color)
col.luminance += ((1 - col.luminance) * self.multi(multiplier))
return col.hex_l
def darken(self, color, multiplier):
col = self.check(color)
col.luminance -= (col.luminance * self.multi(multiplier))
return col.hex_l
__all__ = ['boolean', 'json_error', 'http_error', '_hash', 'genkey', 'lighten', 'darken', 'saturate', 'desaturate', 'rgba', 'todate', 'themes', 'color_css']
def saturate(self, color, multiplier):
col = self.check(color)
col.saturation += ((1 - col.saturation) * self.multi(multiplier))
return col.hex_l
def desaturate(self, color, multiplier):
col = self.check(color)
col.saturation -= (col.saturation * self.multi(multiplier))
return col.hex_l
def rgba(self, color, transparency):
col = self.check(color)
red = col.red*255
green = col.green*255
blue = col.blue*255
trans = self.multi(transparency)
return f'rgba({red:0.2f}, {green:0.2f}, {blue:0.2f}, {trans:0.2f})'

View file

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
from config import config, logging
from backend import mastodon_api, api, middleware, wellknown
from backend.database import SETTINGS, check_cookie, get_user, newtrans
from backend.database import SETTINGS, newtrans, get
from frontend import views, resources, user, redirects
from functions import *
from functions import color, todate, themes
from frontend.template_loader import CustomLoader
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ async def glob_vars(request):
return {
'name': SETTINGS['name'],
'domain': config['web_domain'],
'check_cookie': check_cookie,
'get_user': get_user,
'get_cookie': get.login_cookie,
'get_user': get.user,
'newtrans': newtrans,
'lighten': lighten,
'darken': darken,
'saturate': saturate,
'desaturate': desaturate,
'rgba': rgba,
'lighten': color().lighten,
'darken': color().darken,
'saturate': color().saturate,
'desaturate': color().desaturate,
'rgba': color().rgba,
'todate': todate,
'themes': themes
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ aiohttp_jinja2.setup(web,
autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml', 'css']),
env = aiohttp_jinja2.get_env(web)

View file

@ -1,19 +1,42 @@
Original idea by Zoey Mae
Improved by Xiretza (https://gitlab.com/xiretza)
import re
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from config import logging
def parse_ttl(ttl):
units = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600, 'd': 21600, 'd': 1512000}
strip = True
m = re.match(r'^(\d+)([smhdw]?)$', ttl)
if ttl[-1:] in units:
multiplier = units[ttl[-1:]]
if not m:
logging.warning(f'Invalid TTL: {ttl}. Setting to default: 1h')
amount = 1
unit = 'h'
amount = m.group(1)
unit = m.group(2)
units = {
's': 1,
'm': 60,
'h': 60 * 60,
'd': 24 * 60 * 60,
'w': 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
if unit:
multiplier = units[unit]
multiplier = 1
strip = False
return multiplier * int(ttl if strip == False else ttl[:-1])
return multiplier * int(amount)
class TTLCache:
@ -23,26 +46,7 @@ class TTLCache:
self.maxsize = maxsize
def store(self, key, value):
while True:
if len(self.items) >= self.maxsize:
if key not in self.items:
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()))
data = {'timestamp': timestamp + self.ttl, 'data': value}
self.items[key] = data
return True
def fetch(self, key):
def __contains__(self, key):
if key in self.items:
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()))
@ -50,16 +54,37 @@ class TTLCache:
del self.items[key]
self.items[key]['timestamp'] = timestamp + self.ttl
return self.items[key]['data']
return True
return False
def pop(self, key):
if self.items.get(key) != None:
def invalidate(self, key):
if key in self.items:
del self.items[key]
return True
return False
def store(self, key, value):
while len(self.items) >= self.maxsize:
if (key in self.items) == False:
timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()))
data = {'data': value, 'timestamp': timestamp + self.ttl}
self.items[key] = data
def fetch(self, key):
if key in self:
return self.items[key]['data']
return None