2020-10-10 23:51:55 -04:00

205 lines
5.2 KiB

import traceback, urllib3, json
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
import httpsig
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
#from Crypto.Hash import SHA, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
#from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from . import logging, __version__
from .cache import TTLCache, LRUCache
from .misc import formatUTC
version = '.'.join([str(num) for num in __version__])
class Client(urllib3.PoolManager):
def __init__(self, pool=100, timeout=30, headers={}, agent=f'IzzyLib/{version}'):
super().__init__(num_pools=pool, )
self.cache = LRUCache()
self.headers = headers
self.client = urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=self.pool, timeout=self.timeout)
self.headers['User-Agent'] = agent
def __fetch(self, url, headers={}, method='GET', data=None, cached=True):
cached_data = self.cache.fetch(url)
if cached and cached_data:
logging.debug(f'Returning cached data for {url}')
return cached_data
if not headers.get('User-Agent'):
headers.update({'User-Agent': self.agent})
logging.debug(f'Fetching new data for {url}')
if data:
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = json.dumps(data)
resp = self.client.request(method, url, headers=headers, body=data)
resp = self.client.request(method, url, headers=headers)
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f'Failed to fetch url: {e}')
if cached:
logging.debug(f'Caching {url}')
self.cache.store(url, resp)
return resp
def raw(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return a response object
return self.__fetch(*args, **kwargs)
def text(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the body as text
resp = self.__fetch(*args, **kwargs)
return resp.data.decode() if resp else None
def json(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the body as a dict if it's json
headers = kwargs.get('headers')
if not headers:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers'].update({'Accept': 'application/json'})
resp = self.__fetch(*args, **kwargs)
data = json.loads(resp.data.decode())
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f'Failed to load json: {e}')
return data
def ParseSig(headers):
sig_header = headers.get('signature')
if not sig_header:
logging.verbose('Missing signature header')
split_sig = sig_header.split(',')
signature = {}
for part in split_sig:
key, value = part.split('=', 1)
signature[key.lower()] = value.replace('"', '')
if not signature.get('headers'):
logging.verbose('Missing headers section in signature')
signature['headers'] = signature['headers'].split()
return signature
def SignHeaders(headers, keyid, privkey, url, method='GET'):
Signs headers and returns them with a signature header
headers (dict): Headers to be signed
keyid (str): Url to the public key used to verify the signature
privkey (str): Private key used to sign the headers
url (str): Url of the request for the signed headers
method (str): Http method of the request for the signed headers
RSAkey = RSA.import_key(privkey)
key_size = int(RSAkey.size_in_bytes()/2)
logging.debug('Signing key size:', key_size)
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
raw_headers = {'date': formatUTC(), 'host': parsed_url.netloc, '(request-target)': ' '.join([method, parsed_url.path])}
header_keys = raw_headers.keys()
signer = httpsig.HeaderSigner(keyid, privkey, f'rsa-sha{key_size}', headers=header_keys, sign_header='signature')
new_headers = signer.sign(raw_headers, parsed_url.netloc, method, parsed_url.path)
logging.debug('Signed headers:', new_headers)
del new_headers['(request-target)']
return dict(new_headers)
def ValidateSignature(headers, method, path, client=None, agent=None):
Validates the signature header.
headers (dict): All of the headers to be used to check a signature. The signature header must be included too
method (str): The http method used in relation to the headers
path (str): The path of the request in relation to the headers
client (pool object): Specify a httpClient to use for fetching the actor. optional
agent (str): User agent used for fetching actor data. optional
client = httpClient(agent=agent) if not client else client
headers = {k.lower(): v for k,v in headers.items()}
signature = ParseSig(headers)
actor_data = client.json(signature['keyid'])
pubkey = actor_data['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']
except Exception as e:
logging.verbose(f'Failed to get public key for actor {signature["keyid"]}')
valid = httpsig.HeaderVerifier(headers, pubkey, signature['headers'], method, path, sign_header='signature').verify()
if not valid:
if not isinstance(valid, tuple):
logging.verbose('Signature validation failed for unknown actor')
logging.verbose(f'Signature validation failed for actor: {valid[1]}')
return True
def ValidateRequest(request, client=None, agent=None):
Validates the headers in a Sanic or Aiohttp request (other frameworks may be supported)
See ValidateSignature for 'client' and 'agent' usage
return ValidateSignature(request.headers, request.method, request.path, client, agent)