
100 lines
4.1 KiB

- extends "base.html"
- set title = 'Setup'
- block content
-if config.setup
%div{'class': 'section setup'}
%p{'class': 'sec-header'} Setup
The relay has been successfully setup. Please start the relay again and setup an admin account via the register url that shows up in the console log
%div{'class': 'section setup'}
%p{'class': 'sec-header'} Setup
Welcome to the Uncia Relay! Before the relay will function properly, some settings have to be adjusted. Any values left empty will be set to their default
%form{'action': '/setup', 'method': 'post'}
%div{'class': 'section settings', 'id': 'info'}
%p{'class': 'sec-header'} Server Info
%label General Info (This will show up on the home page)
%textarea{'name': 'info', 'placeholder': 'Relay Info (default: none)'}
%label Relay Rules (This will be displayed on the FAQ page)
%textarea{'name': 'rules', 'placeholder': 'Relay Rules (default: none)'}
%div{'class': 'section settings', 'id': 'settings'}
%p{'class': 'sec-header'} Relay Settings
%div{'class': 'grid-container'}
%div{'class': 'grid-item col1'}
%label Name (Display name of the relay)
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'name', 'placeholder': 'Relay Name', 'value': 'Uncia Relay'}
%label Contact E-Mail (E-mail account to display in nodeinfo)
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'email', 'placeholder': 'name@example.com (default: none)'}
%label Admin Fedi Account (Fedi account to display in the bottom left. Also used for notifications)
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'admin', 'placeholder': 'username@fedi.example.com (default: none)'}
%label New Instance Notification (Receive a DM from the relay when an instance tries to join)
%select{'name': 'notification'}
%option{'value': 'yes'} Yes
%option{'value': 'no', selected: None} No (default)
%label Block Other Relays (Prevent other relays from following)
%select{'name': 'block_relays'}
%option{'value': 'yes', selected: None} Yes (default)
%option{'value': 'no'} No
%div{'class': 'grid-item col2'}
%label Show Instance Blocks (Display instance blocks in nodeinfo)
%select{'name': 'show_domainbans'}
%option{'value': 'yes'} Yes
%option{'value': 'no', 'selected': None} No (default)
%label Show User Blocks (Display user blocks in nodeinfo)
%select{'name': 'show_userbans'}
%option{'value': 'yes'} Yes
%option{'value': 'no', selected: None} No (default)
%label Require Approval (Require an admin to approve a relay when it tries to join)
%select{'name': 'require_approval'}
%option{'value': 'yes', selected: None} Yes (default)
%option{'value': 'no'} No
%label Whitelist Mode (Only instances on the whitelist can join)
%select{'name': 'whitelist'}
%option{'value': 'yes'} Yes
%option{'value': 'no', selected: None} No (default)
%label Log Level (Minimmum message level to display)
%select{'name': 'log_level'}
- for level in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
- if level == 'INFO'
%option{'value': '{{level}}', selected: None}
{{level}} (default)
- else
%option{'value': '{{level}}'}
%div{'class': 'section settings network', 'id': 'network'}
%p{'class': 'sec-header'} Network
%label Listen Address (IP address the relay will listen on)
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'address', 'placeholder': ''}
%label Listen Port (Port the relay will listen on)
%input{'type': 'numeric', 'name': 'port', 'placeholder': '3621'}
%label Hostname (Domain the relay is served from)
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'host', 'placeholder': 'relay.example.com'}
%div{'class': 'section setup', 'id': 'submit'}
- if code
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'code', 'value': '{{code}}', 'readonly': None}
- else
%input{'type': 'text', 'name': 'code', 'placeholder': 'authentication code'}
%input{'type': 'submit', 'value': 'Save Config', 'class': 'submit'}