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Project Torque Launcher

PT won't run in Proton atm for some reason, so this script will create a 32-bit WINE prefix.


  • Wine (tested with 8.0)
  • Python 3.8.0+ (tested with 3.12.0)



First install system dependencies if you haven't already

sudo apt install python3 python3-pipx wine cabextract

Then use pipx to install the launcher

pipx install git+

Finally set the run command in Steam: Project Torque > Right-click > Properties > Set Launcher Options > ~/.local/bin/ptlaunch %command%


If ~/.local/bin is on your PATH, you can run ptlaunch --help to get a list of commands. You probably want to run ptlaunch locate to find and store the location of the Project Torque binary. Then you can either set the launch command in steam or just run ptlaunch run to start the game.

To Do

  • Add install command to create a desktop shortcut in the applications menu
  • Use TK to create a GUI to display any info or errors that show up