2021-09-15 09:13:25 -04:00

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Uncia Relay

A light, but featureful, ActivityPub relay. Public posts pushed to the relay will be forwarded to every other subscribed instance.



make install


Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv ~/.local/share/venv/uncia

Update pip and setuptools, install wheel to avoid compiling modules, and install dependencies

~/.local/share/venv/uncia/bin/python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
~/.local/share/venv/uncia/bin/python -m pip install wheel
~/.local/share/venv/uncia/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the relay setup to configure it

~/.local/share/venv/uncia/bin/python -m uncia.manage setup


You can run either make run or ~/.local/share/venv/uncia/bin/python -m uncia

Manage Commands

There are a number of commands that can be ran to manage various parts of the relay. Some require the relay to be running in order to work. Run the help command to list all of the available commands.

~/.local/share/venv/uncia/bin/python -m uncia.manage <command> [*args]